Chapter 50: Drunk

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Oh shit. Oops. I could just say I was kidding.
Me~ "I was just kidding. Take a damn joke" I roll my eyes and play it off. I think I did a great job. I look around the room and smile. Taylor winks at me and Dallas and Baron are just standing there confused.
Me~ "Y'all want some beer"
Taylor~ "I do. You can't have none though. Your pregnant"
Me~ "God dammit"
Dallas~ "I'm all here for beer"
Baron~ "Well what are we waiting for?"
Taylor~ "Where's Andy"
Me~ "He's gone. He's going on Conan"
I blink once and then all of a sudden all three of those bitches have beers in their hands. I stare at them blankly "I'm a vodka bitch anyways"


Baron is hot as fuck. Well anyways. I glance at Christie who looks a little upset that she's not participating in our fun drinking activities.

So we're officially drunk. Except Christie of course. We took a nice drunken picture. Taylor's in the middle. She's doing a weird face. She puckers her lips and her eyes are half open. Barons to her right with his arms around her shoulders hugging her with a bright ass smile. I'm to her left doing a 2010 gangster pose. And Christies right beside me being the only normal one. She's smiling and has her hands on her hips. Taylor posted that shit and so many people were like
Like so what. Leave us be. Taylor and Baron have been talking near the edge of the pool ever since the picture which was a while ago. Their feet are in the water.


I can sit here drunk, and talk to Baron  alla night. We've been talking a lot about depression and he gave me some advice on a lot of things. I can see now that Baron isn't the dick everyone thinks he is you just have to get to know him. Baron takes his last sip of beer from the bottle. I get up and go get him another. Dallas has just been on Instagram and Snapchat. I walk over to Baron and give him his beer.
Baron~ "Thanks Taylor. You didn't have to do that M'lady" He winks at me which makes me blush. I hear Dallas scream and we turn around and see him in the pool. Christies laughing her ass off and she goes back inside. All of a sudden I feel myself being picked up. Barons holding me bridal style and he jumps in the pool with me. He let's go of me when were under water. When we come back up were laughing like hell. Dallas swims over to us and we all laugh and joke. Baron takes his shirt off and throws it to the edge of the pool. I accidentally bite my lip. He smiles at me. We lean in and kiss. When we pull apart he looks at me and instantly apologizes.
Me~ "No don't be sorry. I'm the one who needs to be sorry" I turn around and Dallas is just standing there looking at me. I look over at the door and see Christie standing there frozen.
Me~ "Guys.."
Dallas~ "Ok so first of all I don't blame you. I'd do the same. And Secondly bitch... don't you like date Elias"
Christie~ "To be fair, Elias kissed Carmella in a parking lot while he was sober and him and Taylor were just as happy as ever. So I'm gonna stick up for Taylor here because she probably doesn't even know her ABC's right now." Either way I still can't believe I did that shit. Oh my God. No. No. No.


Taylor did a bad thing just then. But honestly Taylor's not Taylor right now. And I guess I'd call this payback for all the things Elias has did yo her within a month of them dating. Hopefully by the time she wakes up she'll realize what happened. But for now the only way for Taylor to come back to reality would be her passing out. Then she'd wake up and have a big ass headache. Ha ha. She looks genuinely upset. My phone rings. I pick it up. It's Andy!
Me: hey baby I miss you
Andy: i miss you too. I wanted to call you to check in and tell you I love you.
Me: awe baby. I'm alright a little jealous
Andy: why?
Me: well Taylors wwe friend Baron Something came over. I don't know what the fuck his last name is. But her and Dallas and Baron are basically drunk out of their min- DALLAS GET THAT ROCK OUT OF YO GOTDAMN MOUTH RIGHR THE FUCK NOW! anyways..
Andy: So are you playing baby sitter or something
Me: basically.
Andy: well babe I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight I love you. I'll see you soon
Me: goodnight love you.
He hangs up. I sit down in the chair behind me and watch these dumbasses do whatever the fuck they do. They're acting like 5 year olds. As long as Dallas doesn't try to eat a rock again were all good I guess.


Knock. Knock. Knock.
My eyes open. What the actual fuck. The lights are burning my eyes.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I groan and sit up. I was on the fucking floor of my living room. There's beer on my shirt. Barons on the couch asleep. Dallas is on the kitchen counter. I stand up and open the door.
Elias~ "Hey baby" my face is shocked. I raise my eyebrows. He hugs me. "You ok?"
Me~ "Yeah. Just a headache that's all."
Elias~ "Well I have a present for you!" He smiles. His smile goes down. I turn around and see a shirtless Baron Corbin. He has his shirt in his hand. He winks at Elias. He puts his shirt on.
Baron~ "Morning Drifter"
Elias~ "Its not even morning" Elias says as Baron walks past him. Christie walks down the stairs.
Christie~ "Hey Tayl-. Elias I thought yo ass was gone" all of a sudden there's a loud noise. Dallas stands up. And looks at us. Elias looks sad.
Me~ "Elias I gotta talk to you." Elias grabs a carrier and there's a puppy in it.

" Elias grabs a carrier and there's a puppy in it

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Christie~ "Oh my fucking God. He's so cute" she takes it out the cage.
Elias~ "He was abandoned so I though you all would like him."
Me~ "That's so sweet babe" I kiss him. He shuts the door.
Elias~ "What did you have to talk to me about?" I turn and look at Christie. She sits down on the couch. Dallas goes and sits next to her. I sit next to Christie and Andy sits next to me. He looks at me and smiles.
Me~ "Ok so basically last night I was drunk as hell. And so was Baron and Dallas." All of a sudden his face got sad. "And well to make a long story short..."
Elias~ "You kissed Corbin" Elias looks sad as hell.
Christie~ "Now before you get mad or something just keep in mind that yo ass kissed Carmella in the damn parking lot and you were sober as hell. Taylor wasn't Taylor last night. She was out of her mind. I know Taylor, and I know she wouldn't do that shit if she was in the right mind. So keep that in mind" Christies in love with that damn dog.
Elias stands up and so do I. Christie and Dallas stand up too. Elias looks at me and his fist balls up. He pulls his arm back like he's about to punch me. I flinch and Dallas jumps in front me.
Dallas~ "If you hit her I'm gonna fucking kill you"
Christie~ "same. And im pregnant"
Elias~ "I wasn't gonna hit her. Taylor I'm sorry that I hurt you so bad in the past. I really am. I love you so much. Please understand that. I usually wouldn't forgive someone for that. But I forgive you. I'll talk to you later. I gotta go." He walks out the door.
Dallas~ "This might not be the best time to tell you this but um we me and Quin broke up he kicked me out the house and took my money so the actual reason I came here was to see if it was cool if I stay here a while until i get back on my feet but you already have enough on your plate"
Me~ "Yes you can stay here whore. When you go upstairs take a right and the first room you see is all yours."
Dallas~ "Are you sure"
Me~ "Fuck yea" I sit on the couch and text Elias.
Me- I'm sorry
Me~ "That mother fucker left me on read"
Dallas~ "WHO"
Christie~ "ELIAS?"
Me~ "Where did y'all come from. Oh I'm done getting my shit to the room."
Christie~ "Taylor you look sad. Wanna go out to eat or?"
Me~ "Nah id rather die"
Dallas~ "Sounds like we in high school again"

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