Chapter 46: Wrestlemania time!!

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I'm sitting in the catering area. I'm so excited to beat the shit out of Mella an Cass. I hope Elias isn't still mad. I grab three cookies and sit down next to Bayley and Sasha.
Sasha~ "You brought us cookies?!" I look around the room real quick.
Me~ "These are for me. Are you talking to someone else?" They frown. I laugh and shove the cookies in my mouth. My match is right after this match which is Braun and Alexa vs Sami and Becky. Sasha and Bayley lost their match against the Bella twins. I get up and try to find Elias. I'm walking in the hallway and see Finn. He stops and smiles at me.
Finn~ "Hi love. How are you?"
Me~ "I'm good. Trying to find Elias. How are you?"
Finn~ "I'm exited to beat Baron Corbin"
Me~ "Yeah he's a dick. Do me a favor and beat his ass"
Finn~ "I will. Bye Taylor good luck"
Me~ "You too" He walks away and I continue my journey for Elias. I check the locker rooms. Not there. I check all hallways, and he's not there neither. I look outside, in Kurt's office, everywhere and I can't find him. The match is about to begin. I stand at the entrance alone. The match ends and Sami and Becky win. Braun and Alexa walk out of the ring. Then Sami and Becky. I stand here like a fool not knowing what to do. I know he got pissed off earlier but this is a very important thing that's about to happen.


Me and Elias get our schedules from Kurt. We go our separate ways so we can get changed. We come out and meet each other in the hallway. He looked at me up and down and smiled.
Eli~ "You ready to kick some ass babe?" Seth passes us a glance while he's walking past us. He looks sad. I turn around.
Me~ "Seth, so when do you plan on cross fit training?" He looks down and breathes in.
Seth~ "Whenever it works for you"
Me~ "So I'll fly to Illinois a day early next week and we'll do it when we can" He smiles at that and looks at his hands. He looks at me trying to keep calm.
Seth~ "Sounds gr-" Baron Corbin smacks my ass. Seth punches the shit out of him. He gets on top of Baron and pound is face in. He grabs him by his face and bangs his head against the wall. I've never seen Seth like this before. I put my hands on Seth's big biceps and he turns around.
Me~ "Seth stop"
Seth~ "Why should I? He disrespected you. No one will ever disrespect you. I love you. I will kill someone if they try that. He will not do shit like that. And you know what's sad? I did Elias' job. I'll always protect you."
Me~ "Seth I get that. I love you too but it's not your job to do that"
Seth~ "Yeah it's your boyfriends. I'm better than him Taylor. You know that. Why can't you see it. I made one mistake and you broke my heart. I'll always be in love with you. You have a bruise on your face and Elias has bruised knuckles. If what I think happened, happened, your dead Elias." Seth walks away leaving Baron who's on the ground, me and Elias. I help Baron up an he apologizes. He walks away and I walk back to Elias.
Eli~ "He's right"
Me~ "Huh?"
Eli~ "Seth. He was right. He's better than me. I'm sorry I'm not as good as him. But I'm going to prove to everyone I'll treat you right. But before I prove to you that I'll treat you right, you need to stop being in love with him. I'm trying Taylor. I promise. I love you more than anything but you can't fucking see it. Yeah it's my fault, but if I left you youd see it. I'm not gonna leave you but you need to look around you. I'm giving you my fucking all Taylor. I'm sorry you can't see that shit." He punches the wall. He shakes his head and walks away. I'm alone in the hallway now. I feel lonely and sad.


Jojo~ "ladies and gentlemen.... Mr. and Mrs. Eliiiaasss." The crowd chants "Taylias" I walk out there alone. I only get about three feet and then someone picks me up bridal style and carries me to the ring. I look and see Elias. When we get into the ring he puts me down and kisses me. He grabs my ass.
Eli~ "Just to be clear,,, this ass is mine" I smile and he kisses me. I look around. I see my family, and Elias' family. The people in my family I see are Nick, Evan, Christie and Andy, My biological mom and dad, my aunt and uncle, and my sister whos holding hands with some guy. I give her a questionable look and she gives me the "I'll tell you later" look. The people in Elias family are his mom, dad, Morgan, and Johnny. I wave at them all.
Jojo~ "Ladies and gentlemen... Mr. and Mrs. caaaasss" the crowd boos. They walk to the ring and they step him. Me and Carmella step out. The bell rings and Elias punches Big Cass in the gut, causing cass to bend over. Eli throws many punches at his face and chest. He grabs his head and bring it to the apron and bangs it. Carmella comes to my side and tries to punch me. I Dodge it and punch her stomach. I take it head and bang it continuously on the baracade. Her head starts bleeding. I grab her throat and bang her head on the apron. She become unconscious. I leave her at her side and Elias tags me in. Big Cass picks Mella up and I snatch her away. I go to the top rope with Carmellas head on my back. I jump and land on my back. I roll her up and pin her.
The bell rings. We won! Elias picks me up and kisses me. We stand in the ring for what feels like eternity with our lips together. We let go and get out the ring. We hug everyone. I see the little kid Jared from Alabama. I give him a nice big hug. We go back stage. We get congrats from everyone. Elias picks me up and pins me against the wall when everyone leaves. He looks at me.
Eli~ "Don't listen to shit Seth says" he kisses me. I wrap my legs around his waste. Someone clears there throat. I hop off Eli and see who it is. It's Christie. She crosses her arms an gives us a dissapointed look
Christie~ "Look now I didn't sneak my ass back here alone to see y'all mouth fuck. Y'all did good though. Elias I got some words with you" Elias gives me a confused look. Christie singnals him to her. I nod at him telling him to go. They go into a room and Christie slams the door behind him. After 10 minutes of mumbled yelling they come out the room. Elias walks to me.
Eli~ "You told her?!?"
Christie~ "That's not what the hell I told you to say!" Elias groans and looks at her.
Eli~ "I already told her I was... Many times"
Christie~ "I don't give a fuck. Do it again" he looks at me.
Eli~ "Im Sorry"
Christie~ "For what?"
Eli~ "For hitting you. I love you"
Christie~ "Now I oughta spank yo ass" I laugh because this is some funny shit. "You know Taylor... Your mans is thicc"
Me~ "Yeah I know Christie" we all laugh. I grab Eli's ass beacause it's so juicy. He smiles and kisses me again.

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