Chapter 55: late night pizza pt1

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I walk out of the club and the light hits my eyes. That shit hurts. I squint my eyes and sit down on the ground.
Me~ "I'm never fucking drinking again" Elias said he was on his way like 5 minutes ago but it feels like forever. I get really nuseous and get up an run to the trash can and throw up what feels like everything I've
ever ate. Some one pulls my hair backnd pats my shoulder. I turn around and see the bartender from last night.
Bartender~ "Are you okay" I go back to the wall. I reach into my pocket and pull out some gum.
Me~ "No I feel like taking a whole cabinet of medicine. Ain't you the bartender from lastnight?"
Bartender~ "Yea. My names Archie. I'm filling in for my friend so yeah... is someone gonna come pick you up?"
Me~ "Yea my boyfriend is supposed to."
Archie~ "What about that guy from last night?"
Me~ "which one?"
Archie~ "Cute one" This bitch. I was at the bar with Andy and Dallas. He needs to be specific. "Blonde hair" Dallas it is then.
Me~ "Dallas? What about him?"
Archie~ "Well he's really cute. Is he.."
Me~ "Yeah he's gay. He needs a boyfriend too. Want his number?"
Archie~ "yes!!" He takes a pen from his shirt pocket. I write is number on his hand. I feel like I'm going to throw up again. I put my head against the wall. I start crying. I don't even know why.
Archie~ "Girl are you okay?" He puts his hand around my shoulders.
Me~ "No. I don't know why I'm crying."
Archie~ "Oh. I'm sorry." I havnt taken anti-depressants in a while. I'm just balling.
Elias~ "You okay?" I look up and see my man's.
Me~ "No." He picks me up. What the fuck? How the fuck? He's carrying me bridal style. I look at Archie and wave. He puts me in the car.
Elias~ "What's wrong?" He has a bit of empathy in his voice. I just feel depressed. But like... How the fuck did he pick me up, while I was in a seated position, and proceed to put me in the car? My phone rings. It's my dad. Elias stares at me.
Me- Nashville sperm bank you squeeze em we freeze em how may I help you?
Dad- what the hell? You weird as fuck. Anyways whatcha doin Thursday?
Me- probably drinking my pain away and eating Chinese. Why?
Dad- so basically I booked us a photo shoot. We have to match. Because I said so. Are you okay with that?
Me- yes. I'll see you then. I love you.
Dad- love you too. I wipe my eyes. And I start crying again. What the fuck. Why am I so sad
Me and Elias get on the Elevator.
Me~ "My floor is 3"
Elias~ "Your getting off with me." I just shrug my shoulders. We get to his floor and wall to his room. I lay on his bed and get under the covers. "Let's talk" I like my head out and look at him. He lays on the bed.
Me~ "Im so sorry I missed Baron. I didn't mean anything that happened. I was drunk and for some reason I'm really depressed today. But like I get it if you don't wanna be with me anymore. I'm so sorry. I am like for real for real." He just stares at me. He touches my face.
Elias~ "I forgive you. By the way I'm going home today."
Me~ "Oh. I'm staying another night" He leans in for a kiss. "No sir. We still have shit to discuss. I need to explain why I didn't answer your calls and you need to explain why the hell you left my ass on read for a whole damn week." He rolls his eyes and gets out of the bed. "Shit man my head hurts. Got medicine?"
Elias~ "Why the fuck would I have medicine" what's his mother fucking problem. I give him a look (like this)

 I give him a look (like this)

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