Chapter 47: Drunk ass hell

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We all meet up in the parking lot. I look at all of them.
Me~ "Come on guys... Lets go out and get drunk ND strip for the bartenders!" I look at Lainey who is holding hands with a boy whom I do not know of. "Execpt Lainey of course. She ain't 21 till next month" I laugh and point at her.
Lainey~ "I'll be ok. By the way this is my boyfriend Zay. We both are completing the impossible."
Nick~ "And that is...?"
Lainey~ "Completing 10 years of college in 4 years. We both are going to be neurosurgeons at the parks national hospital in Atlanta"
Me~ "Well Lainey this is Elias... And I'm proud of you and Zay... How old are you kid?"
Zay~ "I'll be 22 in November"
Eli~ "Lainey I've heard alot of great things about you"
Lainey~ "You too" they smile at each other.
Me~ "Guys... Come on. Let's go drink our panties off" they guys roll there eyes. We all get into our cars. Me and Elias picked Christie and Andy up after Olive garden so they get to ride with us. Whoop whoop!!!!! I get into the drivers seat and speed my ass to the bar. Everyone is way behind me. No surprise there. Eli, Christie, and Andy are holding on for dear life in the back seat.
Christie~ "Slow yo ass down before you get yo ass in trouble. Damn alcoholic"
Eli~ "Hey man the more drunk she gets the more chance I have of fucking her senseless"
Andy~ "Damn"
Me~ "Just because you said that you ain't getting shit tonight kid"
Andy~ "Haha"
Christie~ "You ain't getting none niether Andy"
Andy~ "Why not"
Me~ "Cause yo ass likes the damn Bengals" we all laugh.
Eli~ "I'm not a big football guy but I've never met anyone who has said they're team is the fucking Bengals"
Christie~ "Me neither"
Andy~ "There are plenty of people that like the Bengals" we all laugh and roll our eyes because that shit ain't true.

2 hours later

We've all gotten drunk as hell. We've all snuck Lainey like 5 drinks each. The only people who arnt drunk as shit are Sarah and Elias. He is tipsy though. Sarah is just over here at the pool table with literally everybody. We all just crowded around the table. We ain't even playing pool right. Some guys walk behind me and Christie and slap our asses. We look back at them in shock. It's fucking Sinjn and Saxon.
Christie~ "What tell hell?" Elias and Andy rush over to us. Andy is beating the hell out of Saxon.
Eli~ "Haven't I already beaten you senseless. Some people never fucking learn I guess" Elias bangs Sinjns head on the wall and punches him. It takes all of our crew and some others to break them up.
Andy~ "If you ever even look at my fucking girl again I'll kill you. She's mine. Your just mad you can't have her"
Eli~ "You better be glad your not dead bitch" Me and Christie just walk away from all the commotion and go to the bartenders.
Me~ "I'll have a glass of something that'll get me drunk as hell"
Christie~ "I'll have what she's having" The bartender nods and gets something from the back. He gives it to us. Two sips in and we're not even on Earth anymore. Everyone left too. We're alone now.
Christie~ "Guess we need walk home"
Me~ "Guess so" we give the bar tender a bunch of money and leave. We walk down the side walk and hear a scream. We turn around and see a guy robbing some girl. We walk over to them. It's Jasmime, our friend from high school. Me and Christie take one of our shoes off.
Me~ "We know yo dumb ass ain't got no gun"
Shooter~ "Yes I do and I'll shoot"
Christie~ "Do it then. You won't"
Me~ "No balls" I punch him in the face and he falls down. He stumbles and runs away.
Jasmine~ "Oh my god. Thank you guys so much."
Christie~ "He ain't even had a gun"
Jasmine~ "Are you guys ok" We ain't ok. We out our hands around each other's shoulders an laugh.
Christie~ "We drunk as hell that's all"
Jasmine~ "Oh my god where's y'all's car"
Me~ "Not sure"
Christie~ "Y- yeah me n-niethe-" Christie passes out.
Me& Jasmine~ "Oh shit"
Me~ "Y-you ok b-bruh-" everything goes black and I fall.

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