Chapter 57: The wreck

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8:45 am
Taylor's POV

I wake up to banging on the door. I look around the room and see Jon still laying in my bed passed out. I walk over to the door and see Christie, Dallas, and Andy all staring at me, fully dressed and looking annoyed.
Christie~ "Bitch you still ain't ready yet. Our plane takes off in an hour. We have to go"
Me~ "Oh shit oops."
Andy~ "Elias came back?" Andy points at Jon on the bed.
Me~ "No that's Jon. He got wasted last night so I let him stay." I go into my bathroom and start brushing my teeth.
Christie~ "Did you guys do anything last night" I look at her and she's smiling that goofy ass smile. She only does that when she's trying to ask something without being exactly direct about it. I wash my mouth out and she's still smiling. I start fixing my hair to make it look halfway decent.
Me~ "Christopher... we did do things last night. We are pizza, and went star gazing. But did we have sex or kiss or anything. Nope" I walk past her and start throwing things into my suitcase. I look at what I'm wearing and just shrug. I'm a WWE superstar, if people see me like this in public they'll just think that it's either attractive or funny and either way I'll get publicity from it and get more money. Usually I don't give a fuck about how I look but I especially don't now." I zip my suitcase up and look at Jon. I dont really wanna wake him up. I go back into my suitcase and get a sharpie out. I grab his arm and start writing, "Hey dumbass. I already left and I'm probably home right now. Either way, I know your stupid-" I grab his other arm and continue writing "Ass will have a headache. I have tylenol somewhere. Love, taylor"
I put my pen back in my suitcase and leave the room with my gang of three annoyed bitches.

We're at the airport and between my fans and Andy's fans, the amount of people is enormous. My favorite part of all the people crowding around us is the fact that I heard one girl say "I know this bitch ain't wearing Pajamas"

es random girl. I AM indeed wearing pajamas. We work our way out of the people and make our way to the plane JUST in time. We get in our seats and I'm seated next to Dallas.
Christie~ "You know we would've made it here a lot quicker if Miss sleepy hoe woke up earlier."
Me~ Man shut up bitch. That's why you crusty"
Christie~ "Bitch you white and you ashy how the fuck do that work?"
Me~ "Man fuck you. That's why you have a garbage baby, you horney fucker" Some old lady puts a stop to our conversation. By telling us our language and actions are NOT acceptable, while Andy and Dallas are sitting there laughing hard as hell. Once the plane takes off I start to go to sleep. But ofcoarse that has to be ruined.
Dallas~ "So what was Jon doing in your room?" I take a deep breath and seriously consider jumping off the plane.
Me~ "Literally fucking nothing"
Dallas~ "Tell me everything"
Me~ "Nothing happened thou-"
Dallas~ "Tell" I roll my eyes and sigh. This is violating my 8th amendment. This is cruel and unusual punishment.
I look at him. And look out the window.
Me~ "Look man. He was drunk and needed to be picked up. So you know what I did? Picked him up. He was hungry and wanted food. So you know what I did? I found a pizza hut and we ate. He was drunk and wanted to talk. So you know what I did? I took him to the grass where we layed down and talked. He was sleepy so you know what WE did. We went to sleep. There's everything that happened" its silence for a moment.
Dallas~ "That's fucking lame" he's says that quietly so he won't disturbed the old lady. I lay my head back and go to sleep.

The plane lands and I have to get up. I look like a zombie. No makeup, raggedy ass pajamas, limp when I walk. I walk out the airport and see my brother pulled up in my Jeep. I throw myself into the passenger seat. The other three load up in the back.
Nick~ "Ew bitch you look dead"
Andy~ "Its because she's dumb and doesnt go to sleep at a decent time" Nick let's out an annoying ass giggle that really gets on my nerves.
Nick~ "Man she always did that when we were younger. She'd go to sleep at 4 and wake up and 6. Stupid ass"
Me~ "Nick I dont really give a fuck about how much taller than me you are, I will still beat your ass. Shut up you stupid child"
Nick~ "Okay sleeping bitchy." I look at him and slap him in his ugly ass face. He swerves and almost hits a car that's going the opposite way.
Nick~ "Taylor Nicole. Thanks to your stupid ass not being able to take a joke you almost killed all of us." I lay my head against the window. Man if we would've wrecked and my precious jeep would've been hurt. I'm not sure how I'd be able to live with myself. Lucky me I've never been in a wreck and I never will. I doze off and take a good ass nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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