Chapter 13: Official

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When I wake up I try to move around but I can't. Eli's strong arms are wrapped around me tight. I remember everything from last night. He has such a beautiful voice. Also I love that song he sung to me. I don't care what he says, that's our song now. Eli wakes up and looks at me. He takes his arms from around me and just stares at me. I stare back.  He has pretty brown eyes. There's a little bit of green in them but not alot. He's so attractive for some reason. He keeps staring.
Me~ "Take a picture it'll last longer"
Eli~ "Ok" he grabs his phone and takes a picture with me. He smiles after he takes the picture. I get up to go brush my teeth and so does he. Them abs though. When we're done brushing our teeth he pulls out a shirt from his bag and gives it to me.
Eli~ "We're going to breakfast. Wear this shirt" It's a Walk With Elias shirt and it's my size. Aawwwe I thought it was his. I change and get ready for breakfast and I walk out and he's wearing my merch. He's so cute I swear. He looks at me and smiles that cute smile.
Me~ "Where are we going"
Eli~ "I dunno" We drive for a little bit until we see 'Penuts Deluxe Cafe' we decide to stop their. We order our food and talk for a little bit.
Me~ "I hope you know that that song you sung last night is now OUR song. So when you hear it think of ME" He laughs and says ok. When our food comes some fans come up to us and take pictures of us. While we're eating I look on Twitter and of course. All I see is 'OMG is Talias becoming a real thing #ishipit' I show Eli and he smiles at me
Eli~ "It will be soon"
Me~ "Don't get ahead of yourself buddy"
Eli~ "Hashtag friendzoned" I laugh and see fans taking videos of us. He wave at them and mouth 'Watch this' I get out of my seat and kiss Eli on the cheek. He looks surprised. I look over at the fans and give them a thumbs up. I motion for them to come here. When they do I smile at them and say
Me~ "Make sure that's trending on Twitter" They look so happy. They tweet about it and I follow them on Twitter and retweet it with a winky face and thumbs up. Eli checks his Twitter than looks up at me. He retweets with the comment ' "Don't get a head of yourself BUDDY" ' Then Bayley retweets and says 'Make this a conspiracy theory. Is Talias real or just imagination' Then SASHA retweets with 'Oh it's defiantly real' Me and Eli just watch the fans react. It's so funny. Iove this. When we're done with our food we go back to the room because we're lazy and boring. I jump onto the bed and scroll through the channels. Eli comes up to me and jumps on me. I laugh and try to push him off. He moved a little bit. He tickles me and I 'Tap out'
Eli~ "Once again I win"
Me~ "Ok well I invoke my rematch clause"
Eli~ "Ok well in that case ding ding ding" He tries to pick me up but instead I take his shirt off and kiss him. He falls back on the bed and I'm on top of him. After 3 seconds I stop kissing him.
Me~ "I win" I smile and give him his shirt back. He looks at me in disbelief and I smile at him.
Eli~ "Not fair"
Me~ "Well for someone that doesn't want to date yet, you sure like kissing and cuddling"
Eli~ "Well you like my kisses and Cuddles"
Me~ "I know, I'm just saying"
Eli~ "I do want to date you"
Me~ "Yea... ok"
Eli~ "I do. You don't even know but it's this is going to be a hard 3 weeks"
Me~ "Its been hard to not post you on my Instagram and say "Look at my baby"
Eli~ "Its been hard knowing that I'm making myself and you suffer by not being with you. Now come on we're going to walmart"
Me~ "WAIT" he turns around and looks at me. I stand on the bed and act like Matt Hardy "That's WONDERFUL"
He just smiles and shakes his head. We head off to Wal-Mart. I didn't even know we needed anything considering we leave on Wednesday. When we get there he heads straight to the back where they print out pictures. He gets 4 copies of the one he took this morning. He gets 2 pocket size ones and 2 normal size ones. He gives me one of each and he keeps one of each.
Me~ "What is this for"
Eli~ "Always keep the little one with you. At all times. Put it in your pocket or Wallet or something and put the big one in your room." I smile at him
Me~ "But why"
Eli~ "So when you miss me you can just look at it and remember I'm here. Also change your Instagram, Twitter and out it on your Snapchat"
Me~ "What?" He walks towards me
Eli~ "I can't wait anymore. Your mine. There's a group of fans. He waves at them and kisses me." They scream really loudly. He smiles and they come over and video us.
Fan girl Brooke~ "OMG, is 'Talias a thing"
Eli~ "Yes it is" he smiles at them. I smile at the group and Eli. He picks me up and carries me out of the Wal-Mart. I take a picture of me and him and put it as my new profile picture on Twitter and Instagram. Then I take a picture of him kissing my cheek and put it on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram telling them it's official. I tag like everyone in it. Eli retweets it, Bayley retweets it, Sasha does. Every one does. Even Lainey. Neither me or Eli has a match tonight but we still show up anyways. It's 3 weeks until wrestlmania.

8:45 PM

Raw started 45 minutes ago and the crowds are chanting 'Talias is goals' Me and Eli just watch the match that's on. It's Bayley vs. Alexa. I love the Bayley crowd chants but there not happening. I walk outside with a mix. When my music plays they both look at me weirdly. I motion for the music to stop. The crowd does the Talias chants. I stop them.
Me~ "Guys. Don't do THAT chant. Do this one" I look at the crowd. "OOHHH HEEYY BAAYYLLEEYY. OH AH. I WANNA KNOOOWWW WILL YOU BE MY GIIRRRLL. OOOHHHH HEEYY BAAYYLLEEYY. OH AH. I WANNA KNOOOWWW WILL YOU BE MY GIIRRRLL" The crowd starts chanting the chants and I go back behind stage. Today's been great. When Raw's over me and Eli go back to the room and get in bed. We fall asleep cuddled up. He's a good cuddler

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