Chapter 45: Frozen peas

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I'm sitting on the floor clenching my nose. I get up an walk next door to Christie's hotel room. I knock and she almost immediately opens the door.
Me~ "Do you have any frozen peas?" She snatches my hand from my nose. It's bleeding and bruised.
Christie~ "The fuck? What happened Taylor?" I look at the floor
Me~ "I ran into the wall"
Christie~ "Taylor your clumsy as hell but you ain't THAT clumsy. Now I got some frozen peas and I'll give them to you, but only if you still the tea" she pulls me into her room and sits me on the bed. She hands me a paper towel for the blood. She grabs some frozen peas and hands them to me. I tell her everything that happened. She looks at me and hugs me. "You should go to his dads birthday lunch. See how it feels but I swear to God if he ever puts his hands on you again I'ma kick his pretty ass" I smile. I give her a hug and change my shirts because of the blood I had on the first one. I get to the jeep. I'm hoping the peas to my nose still. He's sitting there with his face in his hands. I open the door and he looks at me. I sit down an he turns his body to me. I can't even look at him.
Eli~ "Taylor I-." He stops. "I'm so sorry baby. This is all my fault. I love you so much. C- can I see your nose?" I look at him and take the peas of my nose. My eyes water up. It's swollen real bad. I look at his knuckle which is bruised. He starts crying. "I fucking hate myself" I blink my eyes which cause the tears to roll down my cheeks. I grab his face and kiss him.
Me~ "I forgive you" we cry together for about 5 minutes and then we drive to Olive garden. I put the peas down and we get out the car. When we walk into the restaurant. I tell everyone Hi. I get warm welcomes from Roddy, Morgan, and Johnny and insults from Sarah. I'm hiding my nose so no one sees it.
Roddy~ "So Tata how are your brothers doing on their team? I'm a falcons fan too. My dad is from Georgia. Sarah likes the Steelers which is pretty nasty if you ask me"
Me~ "They're doing great. Doing camps right now, training up! As you know Nick was MVP quarterback last year. Evan is a starting running back. It's awesome."
Roddy~ "I like how Nick and Matt Ryan share the quarter back spot. Your brothers and Matt are very talented men."
Me~ "I appreciate it Roddy. Matt is a very cool guy. He's very nice."
Sarah~ "At least some one in your family is talented. I'm glad your brothers and sister didn't take after you" they all give her looks and comments.
Me~ "I'll be right back" I pull cigarettes out my purse and walk out side. I haven't smoked in 2 years but I really need it. I light it up and sit. I think about my life and everyone in it. Does Elias really love me? Or is this all a show? I hear foot steps walk my way. I look up and see Johnny. He sits next to me. He pulls out cigarettes too. He holds his out for a light.
Johnny~ "Sarah is kind of a bitch to you"
Me~ "Yeah but it's fine" he nods and looks at me. He holds my chin up and examines my face.
Johnny~ "The hell happened to your nose Taylor?"
Me~ "Oh from the live event yesterday" I lie straight to his face and feel so bad about it.
Johnny~ "Your lying."
Me~ "What?"
Johnny~ I was at the last house show. I saw it all."
Me~ "Oh not from wrestling, I ran into a locker. I was texting." He puts his cigarettes out and walks into the building I follow him. He looks at Elias' knuckles and picks Elias up by the throat. He holds him to the wall.
Johnny~ "What the hell is your problem man? You think it's ok to hit women?!" Elias look at me with pure anger and disgust.
Eli~ "You told him?"
Johnny~ "No she lied to me. She wanted to protect you. She never told me." Elias hits Johnny in the face and charges at me. I hide my face and instead of him hitting me he stands there.
Roddy~ "Son you better not hit that girl" Roddy stands in front of me. Morgan holds Johnny back. Sarah just sits there enjoying this like it's a damn soap opera. Eli breathes in slow. He looks at me with a tear in his eye.
Eli~ "Dad I-"
Roddy~ "Jeff, outside. Now!" Roddy and Elias walk outside. Morgan walks over to me.
Morgan~ "I'm sorry my brother did this to you. What happened" me and her walk outside. I tell her everything. I tell her about the first time, I tell her about this time. She feels bad.


Im looking down at the concrete. So is dad. My own damn father can't look me in my eye.
Dad~ "Is it true?"
Me~ "Is what true?"
Dad~ "Jeffrey... I already want to punch you. Is it fucking true" I breathe in and sigh.
Me~ "Yes sir"
Dad~ "I know I raised you better than this son. How could you. She loves you so much."
Me~ "I know. I love her too. More than can be admitted. Shes my world"
Dad~ "Then why do you hit her? That's not how to treat a woman you love"
Me~ "I don't know dad. I hit Carmella too. And Bayley. I hate it. But I've only been with Taylor for a month and I already want to marry her."
Dad~ "Hitting her is not a good way to keep her. You need to go to her. Hug her. Kiss her. Apologize."
Me~ "I Will" I run back inside the building and I don't see her.
Mom~ "She's starting to grow on me"
Me~ "That's great. Where is she." Johnny points outside. I nod at him and walk that direction. Her and Morgan are sitting out side. Tay gets up and punches me in my cheek. I stumble back. She grabs my face and kisses me. I grab her ass and she jumps.
Me~ "I promise I'll never hurt you again"
Tay~ "Me too"

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