Chapter 1: Late

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Slow Burner Story alert! If you're looking for a story that picks up action immediately, then this is not the story for you.

Dec 5th, Wednesday(Period 1-4)

"Darling, get up! You don't want to be late for school!"

Ace jolted awake as the loud banging against her door and her aunt's yelling disrupted her much-needed sleep. She immediately looked at the clock sitting on her desk (which was so far, a large cardboard box).

She panicked, noting that she only had thirty minutes to get to school. Damn it! I overslept.. Why did we have to move during the middle school year?!

Darting into the bathroom, she quickly went through her hygienic routine in the morning before grabbing her backpack and a muffin sitting on the dinner table.

"Bye Aunty! Bye Dad! See you later!" She yelled as she bolted through the open door, slamming it behind her. Sprinting as quickly as she could down the sidewalk, she cursed at herself for her irresponsibility. Checking her watch, she grimaced at the time.

7:50 am

Ten minutes before the bell rings.. And I don't even know where my classes are when I get there! Running along the sidewalks, she felt the cold winter breeze hit her face. Normally, she would enjoy the cold weather, but as of right now, she didn't have any time to appreciate it whatsoever.

After running a few blocks, she felt the burn in her legs beginning to kick in. I should really exercise more.. This is killing me..! She scolded herself. To her relief, the new high school she was transferring to was within a block. All that she needed to do was to.. Cross the street.. And..!

The street light turned red.

Damn it!!

Panting heavily, she glanced down at her watch.

7:59 am

The bell rings in one minute..

She suddenly stumbled to the side as she felt a rough shove to her shoulder.

Startled, she quickly turned her face to the side. Her eyes fell upon a rather gruff character with messy light purple hair. He wore the school uniform- a white button up shirt with the school's badge embroidered on the top right side, and black pants. She noticed his clothes looked roughed up- along with a keychain hanging from his pant's pocket.

Cold red eyes bore into hers.

"You're in my way." He simply stated.

"Are you serious?" Ace glared at him. When he didn't react to her, she tore her eyes off of him and crossed her arms.

A second later, she felt his hand roughly push her again to the side. "Are you blind? The light's green."

Stumbling aside, she glared daggers at him. He had already stepped off the sidewalk and was making his way into the school.

Then, the bell rung.

The anger she felt against the boy melted almost immediately when she realized she was late on her first day.

She leapt off of the sidewalk and ran as quickly as she could, passing the male quickly.

As she passed the school's gates, she took out a piece of folded paper neatly tucked away in her pocket. Unraveling it, her eyes scanned the schedule.

Advisory- Mr. Zeya- Room 222

Where's room 222? She panicked.

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