Chapter 18: The Past

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 Ace slipped off her shoes and went directly to her father's bedroom, where she assumed he would be.


The man was sitting on the side of his bed, staring at a picture. The picture was taken before she was born, a picture of him and his deceased wife, smiling happily at the camera. Ever since mom had passed away, Ace had never seen her father smiling so joyfully anymore.

"..Welcome home, Ace." He dragged his gaze away from the picture and at his only daughter.

"I have a question." She stated, quite bluntly.

He nodded slowly, waiting for her to speak once again.

"Why was I always in the hospital?"

She looked at him intently, seeing that he had lowered his gaze to the ground.

"I have one request, and that is for you to answer this question. Why was I alw-"

"You were a healthy child when you were born, Ace." He looked back at the picture. "Your mother passed away after giving birth. She had lost too much blood from the process.

You were a... happy child. Super hyperactive, always running around the house. You were fearless, just like your mother was."

As he was talking, Aunty had stopped walking and stayed silent as she lingered around the wall, listening in.

"When you were age seven, just beginning 3rd grade, I received a call from the elementary school's administration. I still remember clearly what the lady had said. 'Are you Ace's father? Yes? Okay. Your daughter has passed out when she was playing with her friends. She is being rushed to the hospital. Please, come to the hospital immediately.'

When I arrived at the hospital, the nurses led me to the room you stayed in. They had informed me that the doctors did a check up on you. You were... breathing fast.. Too fast. Your skin was pale.. I didn't know what to do.." He wiped away a few tears threatening to fall. "You stayed in the hospital for two days. Except... the very next day, you passed out again.

They kept you in longer this time. After observing your behavior, they diagnosed you with Aplastic Anemia- a condition that occurs when the body does not provide any more new blood cells. Symptoms included feeling weak, dizziness, headaches, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, and so on. They kept you in the hospital for months, allowing you rest.

They performed blood transfusions and gave you weekly blood tests to check on your condition. When you were well enough to go home, they put you on antibiotics. One pill to be taken every day for the next four years. Your life was dependent on those pills and blood transfusions. You went back to school but was unable to participate in any sports. Your peers mocked you for being weak, for refusing to play with them. They bullied you as 'revenge', never knowing what you were going through.

Four years later, I remember the doctor giving me a call. Your body had begun producing new blood cells. You were feeling a lot better than you use to. Your Aplastic Anemia had cleared up, but the bullying did not stop.

You know the rest from here. I put you through self-defense in hopes that.. I wouldn't see you come home with another bruise. And now," Her father looked back at her. "You've become everything that I wanted. A great child.. That I love. I am proud of you.. I am sorry for not showing as much emotion to you as you deserve."

He put down the picture. "I suppose that now is the time that I finally stop.. Being held back by Cheresa. I've spent a great deal of my life grieving when I should have been paying more attention to you. I apologize, Ace. ..Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

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