Chapter 41: Escape Plans

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 "Can I come in?"

Ryoma stood outside her door, patiently waiting for her reply.

After a minute of silence, he frowned. Should I go in anyway?

He called again. "Ace?"

Glancing at a clock that hung in the hallway, he took note of the time.

5:26 pm

It had been around four hours since Allian had paid her a visit, and around thirty minutes since he last worked out.

When she didn't reply, his hand hovered over the doorknob for another few seconds before he sighed, gently pushing the door open.

He walked inside, closing the door behind him.

Turning his gaze to the bed, he was a bit surprised to see the girl lying down, her blanket pulled up to her shoulders. Her head rested on a pillow and her eyes were closed.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked, his voice soft.

When she didn't reply, he confirmed that she was, indeed, sleeping.

Pulling a chair to her bedside, he sat down and observed her features. She looked very peaceful and relaxed.. A great contrast to how she acted when she was awake.

Brushing a few loose strands of hair away from her face, he smiled at the sight.

Looking to the nightstand, he was startled to see a first aid kit resting on the surface. A half-empty plate and half-filled water bottle sat beside it.

He glanced over at her, worry blooming inside of him.

Slowly pulling the blanket down, he narrowed his eyes when he spotted wrap bandages along her wrist. A bit of alarm ran through his chest. I'll have to ask her about that when she's awake.

She suddenly groaned slightly, shifting her body a bit. She began tossing and turning, a few beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Her contorted to one of great discomfort.

Quickly standing up, Ryoma leaned over her, anxiety rushing into his veins.



Backing away from her reflected self, Ace felt her knees crumple, making her fall to the ground. She gritted her teeth, frustrated that her body refused to listen to her. Her breathing quickened as adrenaline pumped through her veins.

It was the same old darkened room. The only thing that she could see was the child personified as her younger self, her hospital gown ripped and stained with crimson liquid.

"Weak.." The monster uttered, slowly closing in their distance. "You're weak.."

"I-I'm not weak!" Ace yelled clenching her fists.

"You're worthless. Once a cripple, always a cripple. Letting your guard down.." It chuckled. "Now you're held captive by the people you thought were your friends."

"Shut up!" She yelled, beginning to tremble.

"You know it's true." It let out a horrid, raspy laugh. "You could never trust anyone. Not even that girl you call your friend." It walked towards her. "But you know, there's always a way out." A cold, twisted smile adorned its face.

She stared at the thing, her anger bubbling on the inside. "Yes.. there is a way out."

It grinned. "So you agree. Have you decided to.." It leaned towards her. "End your life?"

Her eyes steeled. Glancing up at the monster, she scoffed. "There are other ways out that don't involve suicide."

The figure straightened up. "You'll never make it. The strong survive. The weak die. You are weak."

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