Chapter 49: Her Strength

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She shifted around in bed, shutting her eyes and reopening them.

What's worse..?

Every time she had her eyes open and she peered into the shadows, she would swear that she could see the shadows moving around her. There's been more than one instance where she thought one of the guys were hiding in her room, silently watching her as she struggled to sleep. She was paranoid about the fact that they would show up out of nowhere and torment her.

As if they weren't already tormenting her.

Even with the music that Evan had given her, her mind failed to become distracted.

Meanwhile, every time she had her eyes closed, that nightmarish persona of her would occasionally flash behind her eyes, its blank white eyes and twisted grin muttering soft spoken words of her being weak and worthless. Suicide was the best option for her. Her escapades would fail. She'd already been caught once.

Shifting to the side and turning on the lamp, the girl let out a heavy sigh.

She didn't know why she'd become so paranoid. Was it all the violence that she had witnessed? The moment Kai pressed the cuffs forcefully against her wrist made her come to realization that she really was in danger. But was that really all? Whatever it was, it was taking a toll on her body.

She glanced at the clock.

2:49 am

I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

Glancing around the room, her eyes landed on her cuffed wrist. It was bandaged, no longer bleeding. It still stung whenever she moved it, though.

Sighing, she looked away and caught sight of a particular small pillowcase lying by the side of the bed.

Hesitantly reaching for it, her fingers brushed the fabric of the casing before she pulled it over to her. Her fingers dug through the casing and produced a single safety pin.

Am I really going to..

Staring at the metallic object, she pursed her lips.

I have to try again.

She pressed against the metal, allowing it to escape from its casing. Staring at the pointy end, she brought it to her cuffs and began to pick the lock.

This time, applying the knowledge that she had gained from yesterday night's experience, she managed to unlock herself in half the time that it took previously.

Taking it into consideration, she put the safety pin back into the pillow casing, placing it in its original location on the bed. Hopefully, they don't find it.

Hesitantly placing her feet flat on the ground, she tested standing up, allowing her full weight to fall on her feet. It doesn't hurt much anymore.

As she began to search the room, her feet began to ache. It was like a dull, constant pain piercing through her skin.

She clenched her teeth. I have to deal with the pain.

Opening drawers and searching the closet for anything useful, she planned out what she would be attempting.

Should I sneak out the window? Or would it make sense if I just tried going through the front gate? Do I need a password for it?

She remembered the passcode that required four digits to unlock the gate.

But that's for if you want to enter the house.. right? Maybe I'll be able to open it without a code, considering I'll be opening it from the inside.

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