Chapter 47: Appetite

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Tapping her steel fingers on her table, she held her phone to her ear and patiently waited for the other end to pick up.

"Hello, Lyra." A deep voice said through the phone.

The girl leaned forward in her seat, feeling her muscles tighten. "Hi, Mr. Saddler. Have you and your team made any progress on the case yet?"

"Unfortunately not. The team is investigating the lodge at this moment. It's highly plausible that a burglar broke into the house, but we are still keeping open minds about other possibilities. We did, however, come across an interesting discovery. Quite tragic."

She drew in a sharp breath. "What is it?"

A sigh on the other side. "Two bodies have been found at the bottom of the lake four yards away from the lodge. Both females, both had gashes to the side of their head. Purple lips and swollen throats. It looks as if their attackers drowned them before throwing them into the lake."

Alarmed, she remembered the texts that Ace had sent her. "Two bodies? ...The text message I received from my missing friend said that she couldn't protect her friends."

"If you can send me those messages, then it would help in determining who these people were. Are you absolutely sure that your friend is missing?"

"She has to be." She said, feeling a tear in her chest. "Those messages she sent me felt.. off. On top of that, she would never block me. We've been close friends for a very long time. I suspect those five guys she went on the trip with have something to do with her disappearance."

"Do you know anything about the people she was with?"

Lyra pursed her lips. "No. Ace just said that she was taking a trip to Snowfall Valley for a week with some new friends. She invited me to come on the trip."

"I see. We will call you after we thoroughly finish our investigation. This will take a while. The falling snow is covering up tracks our culprit may have taken to leave this place."

"I understand." She said, running her fingers through her hair. "...Please locate Ace."

"We are trying our best, Lyra. Please be patient with us."


Ace's eyes snapped open. She sat up, putting a hand on her chest and breathing heavily. The vision of her monstrous persona flashed in her mind.

Another nightmare.

The words that monster said to her rang in her head like a tolling bell, loud and clear, over and over again. Her head pulsated and throbbed. Wiping the sweat that had gathered on her brow with her sleeve, she shut her eyes.

"You're worthless. Helpless. You can't even help yourself. Isn't this the epitome of weakness?"

Am I really that weak..? Shaking her head slightly, she glanced at the cuff that bound her to the bed. No. I'm not weak.

Pulling the blanket off of her legs, she took a good look at her feet. The soles of her feet had a few bandages plastered over what she assumed was where she had gotten bad splinters from that tree. Moving her foot toward her slowly, the girl brushed her fingers across the bandages.

She was pleasantly surprised to feel that it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would.

I might even be able to walk again.

Applying pressure onto her soles, she flinched when the pain amplified.

She tilted her head, furrowing her brow. It's not too bad.

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