Chapter 26: Back To School

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Dec 11, Tuesday (5-8)

Yawning, the girl walked into her history class, stretching her arms slightly. Her eyes wandered around and landed on a brown-haired male by the back of the classroom. He seemed to be surrounded by a group of people, mostly female.

She put her backpack down on her desk and took her seat. Kai really is popular, huh? She rested her head on her arms.

From the back of the room, Kai paid half attention to what all the girls were saying, nodding along absentmindedly. 

"Kai, are you even listening?" One of the girls asked with her hands on her hips. 

Standing up, he flashed her a fake smile. "I'm sorry, but I need to talk to someone about environmental homework. It's important. I'll talk to you guys later, okay?" 

He pushed past the crowd, ignoring them as they complained.   

 Taking an empty seat in front of the slumped girl, he smiled. "Good morning, Ace. Get enough sleep?" He questioned in amusement.

"No," She mumbled. "I'm sleep deprived."

He chuckled lightly. "I'm pretty sure every student is sleep deprived. School beginning at 8 am is not very good for developing teens."

"Mhm.." She narrowed her eyes at him but shrugged, deciding to not to ask him about the crowd. "Why can't school start at 9 am? I'd be fully awake by then."

"School regulation." He shrugged.

"Well, it's stupid." She rose her head, looking at the male's golden eyes. "Did I miss anything yesterday?"

Kai rose an eyebrow at her. "Not much. Except that you got Evan ice cream and the rest of us didn't."

Sitting up, she shut her eyes. "I'm sorry, Kai. I ran into Evan yesterday and he had a hard time getting a blood test. I felt bad."

He chuckled. "Evan told us about his doctor appointment but he didn't say anything about a blood test."

Ace sighed. "Do you know he has Trypanophobia?"

He tapped a finger against her desk. "No, I never knew. I don't think anyone else knows either. He always insists on going to his appointments alone."

The girl recalled that Evan had told her that she didn't need to go with him inside the clinic. She frowned. "Then maybe he just never wanted anyone to know."

"Yeah. I wish he would tell me or someone else about it. If we knew then we'd be there to support him." He sighed.

Ace smiled slightly. "If he doesn't want anyone to know, then maybe we shouldn't tell this to anyone. Respect his opinions, ya know?"

Kai nodded slightly.

The girl glanced around the classroom. The teacher still wasn't here. When she looked back at Kai, her eyes fell upon a chain bracelet adorning his wrist. "I never noticed those." She pointed at them. "They look pretty cool."

Kai glanced down at his wrist, pressing his lips into a thin line. "Oh right. Raiden made them for me."

Surprised, Ace took a closer look at them. Two metal chains that ran along a rectangular metal disk. One of the chains were attached to a sheet of metal. Beautiful engravings ran all along the metal. The other chain looked like it could be easily detached. "It's beautiful. I didn't know Raiden crafted so well."

She looked back up at him, amazement written on her face.

He didn't respond for a moment, his golden eyes indifferent. "I agree."

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