Chapter 22: Frosting On Top

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 Ace descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen, unaware of a few stares that she received from the guys.

Placing her notebook on the counter, she searched the cabinets for a toothpick. After going through a few storages, she finally found what she was looking for. Taking one, she put it back in its rightful place and proceeded to open the oven.

A wave of extreme heat hit her face. Lowering herself down, she poked a hole into one of the cupcakes with her toothpick and took it out, inspecting the stick.

It was done.

She closed the oven door and turned off the heat.

The door opened.

"Ace.. A-are the cupcakes done?" Evan asked quietly.

Turning around, she smiled at him. "Yeah, they are."

"Can we eat them now?" He asked excitedly.

"No, not yet." She smirked. "We still have to make the frosting that goes on top."

"C-can I help.. you?"

"Of course."

The boy walked in fully, approaching the table where some ingredients were resting. "We're making a cream cheese frosting?"

"Yeah. I think it suits this type of cupcake the best." Ace walked to the table, putting down the beating machine.

"What about chocolate frosting?" He asked, thinking about the delicious sweet.

"Chocolate frosting is great too, but it would work even better if the cupcakes were also chocolate flavored." She replied, tearing away the wrapper that held a stick of butter and dumping it into a bowl.

"Can't we have both?"

She paused for a moment, considering the idea. "Yes we can, but do you have chocolate?"

Evan walked over to a cabinet, opened it, and pulled out a bag of semi-sweet morsels. "Do these work?"

Ace smiled. "Yes. As a matter of fact, that's perfect."

The boy walked over to her and opened the bag, placing it on the table.

Breaking the butter into two pieces, she picked it up with a fork and placed it into another bowl. "We're making two types of frosting, so I'm splitting the ingredients."

Evan took a seat by the table, put his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands. He looked at her without ever turning his attention away, admiring the girl before him.

Splitting the cream cheese into two, she placed half of it in a bowl. "Hey Evan, do you have a bag to store the extra cream cheese?"

"Of course." He replied, not moving.

She took a glance at him and shrugged it off, not thinking much of it. Pouring a good amount of chocolate morsels into a smaller bowl, she took it and popped it in the microwave, melting it. She took it out and stirred it, adding a few more morsels into it before putting it back in the microwave. She repeated this action a few more times.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asked curiously.

"Tempering the chocolate." She answered, still stirring the melted chocolate.

He tilted his head. "Why do you temper it?"

"We temper chocolate so that the chocolate has better durability. It prevents this dull color from forming and also, the quality of the chocolate is increased." She thought back to when her Aunt explained this to her. "I think... If you temper chocolate, it won't melt as quickly as untempered chocolate. I may be wrong but I think I remember hearing that somewhere?" She shrugged.

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