Chapter 54: True Nature

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Ryoma paced around the room, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Why would you try something like that?!"

Slumping against the bed frame with her head hung low, the girl closed her eyes, unsure on how to respond to such a question.

"Look at me." She felt an index finger and thumb wedged between her chin and forcefully make her look at his infuriated crimson eyes. "Tell me why!"

She parted her lips slightly, but no words came out. Attempting to break eye contact, she shut her eyes tightly.

The sound of his fist striking the bed frame an inch away from her head made her flinch. With her body beginning to tremble, she drew her legs toward her chest tightly, curling into a tight ball. Her bound wrists that were resting behind her back began to quiver in fear.

"Ryoma, you're scaring her." Kai said, crossing his arms and walking closer to him.

The rest of the guys hung around the room, with Raiden sitting on a chair deep in thought, while Evan and Allian leaned against the white walls of the bedroom.

The purple haired male tsked, letting go of her and scowling at the male. "She won't say a thing! For f*cks sake, she tried killing herself! How could you be so calm?!"

"A person who just tried committing suicide would be very grateful if she weren't being yelled at." Kai sighed.

"You think we should just sit around and do nothing?" Ryoma spat.

Raiden leaned forward in her seat, rubbing his temple. "Of course not. People who are mentally unstable need someone to talk to. But that doesn't mean to yell at them."

Allian frowned. "I think she'll feel more comfortable talking to one person. Not all of us at the same time."

Evan nodded ever so slightly in agreement. "Give her some time to think." He added.

"They're right," Kai said, his eyes landed on the trembling girl who was hiding her face.

Raiden slowly stood up from his seat. "She probably acted impulsively. She wasn't thinking straight. I'm sure she won't attempt suicide again."

As the guys left the room one by one, Ace couldn't help but shake the feeling of anxiety running through her veins.

The door shut.

After a long moment, she slowly stretched her legs out, sighing.

The prick of the cuffs on both of her wrists felt excruciatingly painful and suffocating to her, even though they were put on the exact same way as always.

I'm such an idiot. What was I thinking? I was resisting that demon for so long.. Only to have my will completely shatter in a moment of uncertainty.

But isn't that what experiencing death makes you want to do? I'm not sure.

I've grieved enough, but..

I've also lost my way.

Laying down with her wrists bound above her head, she shut her eyes and sighed.

I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to sleep again.



Opening her eyes, she blinked a few times before looking to her side. Golden eyes met hers.

Sitting up, she glanced down, unable to sustain eye contact. "I'm sorry."

He pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked her right cuff, then suddenly wrapped his arms around her body.

She was startled. "K-Kai I.."

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