Chapter 29: Comforting Words

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 Flipping over onto her side, her eyes caught a glint of her cell phone sitting on her desk. Shutting her eyes tightly, she rolled back on her bed, clutching her pillow even tighter.

It's been about four hours since she'd gotten home. Around five hours since.. that happened.

I wonder what happened.. She pressed a hand to her cheek.

Ace glanced at the digital clock resting on her desk.

9:07 pm

Her eyes drifted back down. It's getting late.


Her phone's screen had lit up.

She stared at the device for a minute, debating on picking it up or not. Edging towards her desk, she reached out for it. Her eyes scanned over the text.

Raiden: Are you okay?

Taking a deep breath, she unlocked her device, subconsciously preparing herself for the latest news.

Ace: I'm fine.

Raiden: You know, people who say 'I'm fine' or something along those lines are usually anything but fine.

Ace: ...Maybe it could also mean that they're not in the mood to talk.

Raiden: Then are you in the mood to talk? If no, then that's fine. I understand you need some time to yourself. I'll message you again tomorrow.

Ace: No.. it's okay. Any news?

Raiden: Perhaps this conversation would be better if I talked to you instead of messaging you.

Raiden: Are you okay with calling?

Ace: Sure. I'm sorry if I sound like crap.

Raiden: That's not a problem.

A few seconds later, her phone screen shifted and notified her that she was receiving a call. Her finger glided across the 'answer' slide.

"Ace," His voice sounded monochromatic. "I have to ask again. Really, how are you feeling?"

She paused, staring at the white wall of her bedroom. "I'm.. not doing so well."

"It's all because of that incident, correct?"

Her mind flashed back to the image of Stephanie's body buried beneath crushed glass and bent brass, the image of Lyra's beaten, bloody body following right after. She winced, her stomach beginning to turn.

"Ace?" A tinge of uncertainty in his voice.

She mentally cursed at herself. How could she let herself worry somebody else? "Yes, you could say that." She croaked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"..It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

A moment of silence.

"Ace, please tell me what's on your mind." He spoke evenly.

The girl recalled the time when she had found a threat note on her desk. He demanded her to hand it over and wouldn't allow 'no' as an answer. She pursed her lips. "You're not going to let me go on this one, are you?"


"I really feel uncomfortable talking about this." Looking at her free hand, she reached for a water bottle that sat on her desk. She bit her lip when her hand began trembling, his fingers shaking. Slowly retracting it, she pressed her hand to her heart that was beginning to pick up speed.

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