Allian Ending

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Allian slowly sat up in his bed. It was very late, and he knew it.

Getting out of bed, he slowly walked toward his closet, pulling the door open. His fingers wrapped around a black bag that he had kept hidden from sight.

Unraveling it, the pile of metallic chains and cuffs reflected a bit of the moonlight that seeped through from his window.

Perhaps having his parents work in the security department wasn't such a bad thing after all. Handcuffs were easy to come by, especially when they remained too ignorant to notice him.

Creeping down the corridor with light steps, he set his priorities.

Getting the job done as quickly, and as silently as he could.

The sound of sudden yelling woke the girl up.

Ace glanced around, grunting in frustration as the handcuffs held her wrists back.

Her bedroom door suddenly opened silently, the male slipping inside her room. Through the darkness, she couldn't see anything but his silhouette moving through the shadows.

As he moved closer and closer to her, she bit the inside of her cheek as she yanked furiously at the cuffs.

"I'm sorry, Ace."

She blinked at him, confused. When she registered whos voice it belonged to, her world went black as he struck the back of her head with something hard, making her collapse back down onto the bed.

Her head burned, pulsating in pain.

Groaning slightly, she barely clung onto consciousness as he tied some cloth over her eyes, blocking her vision completely.

She sank into darkness.


Her eyes fluttered opened.

The harsh sunlight that met her eyes make her wince, making her shut them tightly again. The throbbing pain in her head seemed to get worse as she came to realize that her wrists and ankles were bound together behind her, except with tight ropes instead of handcuffs. She could feel the harsh texture digging into her skin. She was positive that they've already left marks on her flesh.

"My savior is awake.."

Flinching from his sudden voice, she quickly turned her head over to the side.

Dark blue eyes met hers. He sat a few feet away from her, a bottle of pills in his hand.

"Allian.." She grunted, trying to free herself of her ropes. "Untie me."

The male shook his head slightly, closing the distance between them. "I'm afraid you'll try to run if I do."

She narrowed her eyes. "I already told you, I don't care what happens to me! I won't run!" She tore her eyes off of him, gazing around the unfamiliar room. It looked like a normal bedroom with white walls, but only contained the simplest of furniture. "..Where am I? And what happened to the others?"

When he was close enough to her, he gently wrapped his arms around her, resting the side of his head against her chest. "That doesn't matter." He smiled. "The only thing that matters is that you're with me, and only me."

Shaking her head, she struggled against her restraints again. "Stop, Allian. You're not being logical at all!"

"My savior's trying to run away.." He muttered. "My savior doesn't accept me.."

The girl drew in a breath, relaxing her wrists. "What do you mean 'savior'? I didn't do anything!"

He nuzzled his cheek against her. "It's funny how people don't realize how much of an impact they could make on someone else's life with small gestures." A small, happy smile graced his lips. "You don't know that you're the first one to care for me, that you've saved me from falling deeper into the empty void that I've created for myself."

She blinked in confusion, frowning as pieces began falling together. "You were.. depressed?"

His hold on her loosened. He glanced at the pills that he held in his hands.


"Yeah." He sighed, tossing the bottle away. The orange container hit the carpet with, rolling a few inches before coming to a stop. "You're the only one to realize that I wasn't happy associating myself with those so-called friends. Did you realize that I like acting simply because it felt like I was stepping into another world and escaping the one that I live in?"

He brushed his finger across her cheek in a tender way. "I feel like.. You're an angel that was sent down from the heavens to drag me out of hell." He looked away, his eyes darkening slightly. "I won't allow my angel- my savior, to run away from me.

She shifted slightly, beginning to move against the ropes again. "Allian, please.. Untie me.."

"No!" He suddenly yelled, startling her. "I told you, I won't allow you to run away from me! I won't lose the only person that thinks I am worthwhile to be around!"

"Allian, I'm sure that there are other people out there who are willing to get to know you!" She exclaimed, backing away from him slowly as she saw the anger flare in his eyes. "I can't be the only one!"

She flinched when he clenched his fist and drew it back as if to hit her. Shutting her eyes and looking the other way, she braced herself for incoming pain.

Only it didn't.

Reluctantly opening her eyes and looking back at him, he had lowered his fist but had begun trembling. He looked away, ashamed of himself. "H-how can I bring myself to hurt my savior..? How can I do such a thing?"

I really am a bat out of hell.

Frowning, the girl leaned forward, allowing the side of her head to rest on his shoulder.

He jolted slightly, startled by her actions.

When she didn't say anything, he let out a sigh. "..Everyone that I've met so far has hurt me. Everyone will hurt me. Everyone.. except you. Will you promise to never run away from me..?"

She shifted slightly against him.

A pang of hurt and guilt filled her chest. No matter how much he hurt her.. He has a reason. And she is a firm believer... That everyone has a drive behind their actions. Those who are hurting.. need love the most.

"...I promise."

I really am.. nothing but a naive girl.

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