Chapter 24: Haunted

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Monday, Dec 10

"Hey, Ace?"

The girl looked around, her eyes meeting a girl with black hair, braided and tied neatly with a silk red ribbon. She wore a simple navy colored dress with a large black jacket over her shoulders.

"Yeah?" She asked, giving the girl a warm smile.

"Let's go to the park after school." The girl said, returning her smile.

"What for?" Ace tilted her head slightly.

"I want to get to know my friend bet-"

A scream parted from her lips as she was suddenly yanked backward by a hand grabbing a fistful of her hair.

"Ly!" Ace yelled as she scrambled forward. Just as she had gotten up, she felt hands take hold of her arms, pulling her backward. "Get away from her!"

"Ace!" Ly's voice was drowned out by a sea of cruel laughter. Many, many people with hallowed eyes and voids for mouths blocked her vision, separating the two friends.

The laughter was deafening. In the midst of that, the sound of thumps and scraping were heard. Cries of agony pierced the air, making Ace fall to her knees and press her palms to her ears. The sound was really shaking her body, making her heartbeat race and her skin crawl in anxiety.

She shut her eyes, whispering to herself, "This can't be happening. This isn't real.."

When she opened her eyes, she met a pair of blank, pupilless eyes, and a wicked smile. The creature bent down towards her. "Little Cripple Ace can't do anything..? All she can do is watch. Watch as her only friend gets beaten to death. So weak. So worthless."

"Stop!" She shrieked, swinging her fist at its face.

When she made contact with its horrid flesh, it's his head snapped back into a disturbing angle.

Gasping, she pressed her hand to her mouth. She wanted to throw up.

A horrific cracking sound filled her ears as it moved its head back to its normal position. His smile seemed to have widened broadly. "You've made a mistake."

"Mistake.." The room echoed over and over again followed by crackles of laughter. "Mistake.. Mistake.. Mis..take.."

"G..get away from me..!" A soft whimpered emerged from her lips as she shrunk away from the figure. She shut her eyes tightly, covering her face with her hands.

"Her blood.. is stained.. on your hands.."

Hesitantly, she opened her eyes. The figures were gone. A dark, vacant room spread out across her. The only light that she saw gave an immobilized body in front of her a spotlight.

Ace quickly ran over to the body. It laid on top of a pool of crimson blood that reflected under the dull yellow light. Face mutilated, cracks and cuts running alongside its arms.. Especially the left arm...

The girl sank to her knees, her legs now stained with crimson. With shaky palms, she reached out to the body. Her hands suddenly felt very sticky and wet. Turning her hands over, her eyes widened in terror as she saw the red substance soil her flesh.

The body suddenly snapped its head over to her, its eyes hallowed just as the other monsters.

"You did this to me." It hissed.

Ace staggered backward, the tears falling down her cheeks. "This isn't real.. It can't be.. It can't.. Be.."

Her body seemed to be paralyzed as she watched the creature slowly crawling over to her, grasping for her with its claw-like fingers. "You'll pay for what you've done.." It snarled.

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