True Ending

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Jolting awake, the girl looked around her, the sound of muffled yelling and angry stomps climbing the staircase filling her ears.

Drawing in a deep breath, she began yanking against her bound wrists, frustration growing within her as the metal refused to budge, cutting into her skin.

The sound amplified, allowing her to make out unfamiliar voices. She was still unable to hear what they were saying as their voices were obstructed from the walls of her bedroom.

Biting her lip, she pulled her blanket closer to her, clutching the sheets tightly. Nervousness racked her body, sending waves of apprehension through her.

She flinched when the door was slammed open, a tall man wearing a police officer's uniform standing in her doorway. From behind him, she saw a few more officers running through the hallway, forcing doors open and shouting.

Her attention was quickly diverted back to the man as he quickly approached her, his eyes examining her. "Are you Ace Asai?" He questioned, his voice authoritative and sounding very urgent.

She nodded slightly. "..Yes" She said, her voice shaky.

The officer scowled as his gaze landed on her cuffs. "Are you hurt?" He asked, taking her bound wrist and pulling some sort of foreign object from his belt and cutting the chains.

"N-no." She said, trying to calm herself down.

"That's a relief." He said, offering her his hand. "The police department was sent a report by the detective company. We're here to save you from your captors. We'll explain the details later. Right now, we need to get you somewhere safe."

Reluctantly placing her shaking hand in his, she got off the bed, allowing him to guide her down the stairs and through the house.

Still confused, she was startled to see a few police cars parked in front of the house, along with police officers escorting the handcuffed guys out of the house and toward the vehicles. She furrowed her brow, wondering if this was all just a dream.


Jolted from her thoughts, she turned her head toward the source of the voice, only to have arms engulf her tightly in a warm embrace. "I was so worried about you.. You.. You idiot!"

The girl blinked, coming to realization that her best friend was standing right in front of her, hugging her.

The police officer smiled, releasing her hand as he allowed the two girls to have a moment of reunion.

Slowly, Ace returned the hug, unsure at first. When her mind finally processed the information in front of her, she felt herself breaking down, tightening her arms around her friend as tears sprung from her eyes.

She tried holding in her sobs to no avail. "I.. I.. Lyra..."

Lyra's hands began stroking her back rhythmically, comforting her. "You saved me. Now, I'll always have your back, no matter what. I won't ever allow you to fight your battles alone, even if you believe otherwise."

She stayed quiet, at a loss for words. She was still unsure of how everything led to this moment, but she didn't care. All that she could focus on was who was standing right in front of her, and her aching heart.

I'm a fool to have thought that I've changed.

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