Chapter 33: Family Meeting

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 "Absolutely not."

Slouching in her seat a bit, the girl sighed. "Well, it was worth a shot."

"What do you mean by that?" Her aunt questioned, glancing at her dad then back to her.

Ace gave them a small smile. "I knew you two would say no."

Her dad frowned. "Ace, we're just-"

"Protecting me." She finished for him. "I know and I appreciate it."

Her aunt picked up a piece of carrot with her fork. "You're confusing me, Ace. I thought you would be arguing with us instead of agreeing with us."

Ace shrugged, continuing to eat. "I'm not necessarily agreeing with you. I still want to go."

"Then what are you saying?" Her dad asked, confused.

"I want to go on the trip, but I knew you two would say no." She repeated, putting down her fork and looking up at them. "So what can I do to make you change your minds?"

Her dad sighed. "It's not that I don't want you to go, I just don't trust those guys you want to go with."

"Do you trust the two other girls that decided to go with me then?" She muttered.

"We just don't know who these people are, Ace." The older woman frowned.

Ace pressed a finger to her chin. "Then I could ask them to come over to meet you."

Her aunt and father looked at each other. "We don't want to inconvenience them."

The girl nodded. "I'll ask them tonight so they can decide when the best time to come over is. They don't live very far."

Her dad sighed. "If you say so."


Dec 13, Thursday (5-8)

"How does today after school sound?"

Ace sat on the cold stone of the water fountain, listening to the sound of water leaking into its contained pool. "If you guys are free, then sure." She answered. "My dad should be home by then."

Glancing at her watch, she took note that the bell would ring in ten minutes.

Besides her, Evan leaned forward and rested his chin on his hand. "We're not busy after school today, right?"

"We're not busy. This is the perfect time for us to meet your family." Raiden agreed.

"Alright then." Ace nodded, giving them a small smile. "Make a good impression, guys."

"That should be easy!" Allian grinned. "I've been wanting to meet them for a while now."

"Easy for you to say," Ryoma muttered.

Evan silently agreed with him, nodding his head.

Kai patted the gruff male's shoulder. "Just act naturally, but also be respectful to them and Ace."

"If you're put in an awkward situation then I'm sure we can help you." Raiden reassured.

Ace suppressed laughter. "Are you guys feeling nervous like you're going to meet your girlfriend's father?"

The guys tensed up, staring wide-eyed at her.

When she realized what she had just said, she felt her cheeks begin to redden. She placed her head on her knees and placed her hands on her head in embarrassment, face-palming.

"Did you just say that we're your boyfriends?" Allian asked.

"Shut up."


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