Chapter 45: Pulling Strings

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Ace: I'm sorry.

Ace: I feel like a bad luck charm. Everyone who I get close to gets hurt in some way.

Ace: I really am sorry, but I think it's for the best if we part ways.

Ace: This way, you won't get hurt again because of me.

This number has been blocked.


Ace quickly sat up as she heard the door opening.

Watching intently, the girl winced slightly as her eyes fell upon the onyx male who walked into the room, his left forearm wrapped in white bandages.

"Good morning, Ace." He said, looking at her with an amused glint in his eye. From his peripheral vision, he saw something glisten in the sunlight.

She furrowed her brow, confused. She was almost positive he would be insulting her in his usual nonchalant fashion, or scolding and threatening her for that matter. She remained silent.

Taking a seat on a chair, he rested his wounded arm on his lap. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Looking away from him, she grunted. "Aside from my wounds and being cuffed again, I feel fantastic." She said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "And," She glanced back at him, her eyes landing on his bandages. "I'm sorry."

Raiden felt taken aback. He stared at her, raising an eyebrow. "You're sorry?"

She scoffed at him, looking away. "I know you heard me correctly."

He placed a hand on the side of his head, shutting his eyes and chuckling. After a moment, he reopened his eyes, gazing at her. "You're so fascinating. After how we treated you, you slash scissors at me instinctively and apologize for it? You're not telling me that I deserve it?"

Ace blinked, biting the inside of her cheek. "Yeah. I don't want anyone to go through pain. There must be something that drives you to act the way you do. I don't know the story from your point of view, so I'm remaining open-minded."

He scoffed.

She simply shook her head. "You can say I'm naive again, but that's simply my belief. Do I hate you? Yes, of course. Do I want you hurt? No. Not even if you deserve it."

He stared at her for a long moment before a sudden manic laugh tore through the room, making her flinch slightly. "You must be an angel sent to the earth from up above." He grinned. It felt a bit unsettling. "And I can't wait to tear your wings."

She backed away slightly, anxiety running through her veins. He just may be insane. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

He slowly stood up, walking towards the desk.

The girl stiffened up as he picked up the intricate blade that Kai had thrown onto the desk earlier. He turned toward her, a cruel smile on his face.

"By your words, you'll even forgive someone like Kai?" He questioned mockingly, holding out the blade and allowing her to have a clear view of the cold steel. "Kai, someone who has hurt you twice now."

She grit her teeth. "Kai is struggling with problems of his own."

Raiden walked towards the girl, disassembling the blade back into its bracelet. "You're so true to your words. A hero of your own story. Saving victims, preventing bullies." He smiled. "I love it."

As he rested his knee on the bed, Ace narrowed her eyes, sitting up. "I saw the way Kai struggled against his inner demons. He means no harm... He just needs help controlling it."

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