Chapter 48: Conflicting Emotions

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Glancing up at the clock, Ace blinked, glancing back down at her blanket.

8:23 pm

She shifted in her bed, she looked over at the nightstand that sat beside the bed. A plate of food and a water bottle rested on the surface, untouched.

She reached for the music pod and earbuds Evan had given her earlier. Putting the earbuds into place, she tapped on the little device and selected the first playlist she saw.

The soft sound of music began playing in her ears as she closed her eyes, head resting on her pillow.

Soft symphonies flooded her ear in an inviting way, allowing her heartbeat to slow down and relax her body.

It felt as though all the violence she'd seen was beginning to take its tow on her mind. From Kai's threatening demeanor to Ryoma's fists, it settled within her in a disturbing way. Nothing serious, but the unsettling images were the only things she could think of.

Evan's music seemed to be her only remedy as for now.

The only distraction she had available to her.


There was a gentle knock on her door.

With her eyes fluttering open, Ace wasn't sure how long she'd been lying there, unmoving with her eyes closed. If she fell asleep, then she would be surprised that nightmares had not come back to haunt her.

Glancing at the clock, she noted that it had been around 40 minutes.

"Come in." She said in an unsteady voice, wiping her eyes.

The door opened slowly, followed by Kai walking into the room. She noticed that his chain bracelet was back on his wrist, clasped and secured.

Removing her earbuds, Ace watched the male, feeling tension spreading in her muscles.

She frowned. Why am I feeling nervous..?

"How are you feeling? You don't look too well." Kai asked, concern on his face.

"...I'm fine." She replied.

Closing the door softly, the male met her eyes for a brief second before looking away. "Is it because of me?"

Startled, the girl shook her head before coming to realization. Yes.. You and the others. But she couldn't find the courage to confess what she thought to him.

Maybe that would result in violence once more.

She bit her lip. I'm.. scared of violence now..? ...That doesn't make any sense.

Kai let out a soft sigh, taking a seat on a chair, keeping his distance a few feet away from her. "I admit, I am at fault." He took a long look at the bracelet. "I can't seem to control myself and it results in you getting hurt." He muttered. But could he really say he was sorry?

Ace nodded slowly, her eyes wavered, forcing her to look down. "It's.. okay.."

He stayed silent for a moment. "Ace, would you like to.. be free from your cuff?"

Startled, the girl felt unsure. "Of course." She said, feeling at unease. There must be a catch, isn't there?

He stared at the blanket, unmoving. "I'd gladly unlock you. I miss those days where we played games, watched movies.. Even that snowball fight. I don't remember in my lifetime having so much fun and feeling truly happy."

She pursed her lips. "If you unlock me, will those days be revived?" She looked away. "I-I don't think.."

"Am I having foolish thoughts?" He questioned, sighing. "I keep on imagining that we'd be happy and having a great time together if you're free from your cuffs." He pressed his palm to his forehead, shaking his head slightly. "I'm stupid for thinking you won't try to run right after you're free."

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