Chapter 46: Behind His Mask

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Opening his eyes, Allian groaned slightly, shifting in the comfort of his bed. The warmth of the blanket seeped through his body, making it nearly unbearably hot for him to handle.

With a tired groan, he threw the blanket off to the side, rubbing his eyes.

He glanced at the clock.

1:37 pm

He sighed as he nuzzled his cheek against his pillow. He had gone back to sleep after waking up multiple times, unable to find the willpower to wake up completely.

He shut his eyes again, knowing full well that he should get out of bed.

Shifting about, the weariness in his bones prevented him from getting out of bed completely. It felt like there was a terrible gnawing at the back of his head, plunging his mind into despair. There was some sort of growing emptiness within him.

He was tired.

But tired from what?

Even he couldn't answer that, which was so strange.

I don't want to get out of bed..

His mind suddenly shifted to the girl who saw behind his mask, catching him off guard. The girl who asked him if he was really happy.. being friends with those people. With that thought, a small feeling of hope rose in his chest.

Forcing himself out of bed and stumbling, the blonde staggered out of his room and toward the girl's room with only one word in his thoughts.



The girl jolted slightly in surprise when her bedroom door flew open, revealing the dirty-blonde boy standing at her doorstep.

She slowly sat up.

He looked tired. Black bags under his eyes, his hair tumbled.. He was unkempt, unlike his usual bright self.

"Allian?" She questioned, wincing as he slammed the door shut, staggering over to her like a zombie.

She felt at unease, feeling her body tense up.

"All-" She suddenly gasped as he leaped toward her, landing on the bed beside her. She instinctively tried to move away, only for his arms to wrap around her body tightly as if he were afraid she would leave him.

"Ah!" She cried out as he pulled her down onto the bed.

"Ace.." He muttered, his eyes closing.

With her eyes wide in shock, she found herself trapped in his vicinity. When he didn't do anything else, she allowed her body to relax its tense muscles. He seemed obviously distraught. "Allian, what's wrong?" She asked, hesitantly placing her free hand around him.

She rubbed his back gently in an attempt to comfort him.

He shifted slightly, shutting his eyes and fighting the tears that threatened to form. "You're.. the only one who cares about me.. Please don't leave me.."

She frowned. "Of course I'm not the only who cares about you. You've got the guys and your family as well."

He shook his head slightly. "They don't know about how I really am... Besides Raiden. But he.. thinks it's entertaining to see me like this."

Ace inwardly sighed, cursing at the onyx male for his lack of empathy. "Then what about your family? They must care for you. You're their son, after all."

He was silent for a long moment before he let out a tired sigh. "No." He shook his head, slightly tightening his arms around her. "They don't. They're cold-hearted people who constantly complain about why I exist."

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