Chapter 4: Apologies

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 Ace patted down her clothes with handfuls of paper towels and glanced at her watch. She still had ten minutes left before the bell rung but shrugged it off. She might as well return to class to clean up the spilled water if it hadn't been cleaned off yet.

She gingerly opened the door of the girls' restroom, silently hoping that she wouldn't see the boy that had caused this mess. To her disappointment, a slumped over figure leaned against the wall across from the restrooms for support, looking defeated.

At first, fury pricked at her emotions, then she forced herself to dial down her anger as she tried to compose herself. Sighing, she walked over the disheartened figure and prodded his shoulder with her index finger. "Hey."

Raiden glanced up at her, cringing as she saw his disappointed -and slightly furious- expression. He quickly stood up, trying to straighten himself but failing to do so. "I'm really sorry." He mumbled. "I don't know what came over me. I guess I just wanted to see if you were alright and completely forgot my morals?"

The female scoffed at him. "It's alright you pervert." She turned away from him and begun walking in the direction of her class. Soft clicks were heard as he shoes tapped against the floor, one step after the other.

Raiden caught up to her, slightly confused at how easily she's forgiven him. At least I hope she's forgiven me?

The two walked back to class in silence, walking through the door and headed straight for the table that still had spilled water puddling up on the surface of the desk. Raiden immediately set to cleaning up the mess, refusing to allow the female to help in any way. "It's my fault, so you shouldn't need to clean up after the mess I made."

Ace was acutely aware of how much the girls in the classroom looked at the boy cleaning up with admiration in their eyes.

When everything had been cleaned up, the bell rang soon and Mrs. Abaya dismissed her students. The female picked up all of her belongings and turned around ready to leave when she felt a gentle poke to her shoulder. Turning around, she eyed the male questioningly.

"Again, I apologize for my carelessness. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me?" He asked, hoping to confirm his suspicions and ease himself.

"Uh.. yeah. I forgive you. It's alright." She gave him a small smile before turning around to leave again.

"Oh, hold on a min." He called her back again. When she turned around to give him another questioning look, he asked, "Do you need any help finding your classes? What class do you have right now?"

She gave him a skeptical look before reaching out to take the paper out of her pocket. "3rd period.. Calculus. Mr. Stewart."

Raiden's lips cracked into a smile. "We have class together."

Like some dark energy creeping through her soul, she cursed herself. Why..

She put the schedule into her pocket and turned around again, walking out the door.

Bewildered, he wasn't sure if he should feel happy or concerned over his fate for the next period. He quickly caught up to her and walked in silence beside her.


"Ace!" An excited voice yelled upon the female entering the class. She turned her gaze towards the cheerful blonde and smiled, waving a greeting as he approached her. "Mr. Stewart said we're getting seating arrangements, so we're waiting for the bell to-" His gaze fell upon a certain boy who entered the classroom close behind Ace. "..ring."

"Oh alright." The girl hummed to herself, looking back and forth in between the two guys. She took a step out of the way to avoid blocking the guys, which she assumed knew each other.

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