Kai Ending

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The sunlight flooding through the window was enough to wake him from his slumber. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, Kai got out of bed and walked to his desk, pulling a drawer open.

His eyes scanning the contents, he reached in and picked out a bottle of pills.

It was surprising how the son of a very successful businessman could easily get his hands on things that were possibly illegal to own.

Walking out of his room, he headed down for the kitchen. It was, after all, his turn to make breakfast.


"Breakfast's ready!" He called, setting glasses of juice off to the side of the dishes. With a slight smile, he dropped the sedatives into each cup, the liquid bubbling as the pill quickly dissolved.

The sound of footsteps heading down the stairs alerted him, making him turn his attention toward them.

"Morning, Kai." Allian said, yawning as he took his seat.

"Good morning." He said, taking his own seat. "Get enough sleep?"

The kitchen door opened, the rest of the guys walking in.

Ryoma glanced back and said, "Ace will be down in a minute."

"We could wait for her." Raiden suggested. "She just said she needed to brush her hair."

Kai shrugged. "You guys don't need to wait. It's breakfast, not dinner."

He watched as they exchanged glances with each other before digging in. He, himself, picked up his fork and began to eat the waffles that were laid on on his plate. He couldn't help but keep a mental list of everyone who had taken a sip of juice.

The pills' effects should begin taking action after around five minutes.


Turning his head, he smiled as Ace walked into the kitchen, still a bit sluggish from just waking up. She took a seat at the table, reaching out for the glass of juice that awaited her.

"You're five minutes late," Raiden said, smirking at her. "You said you needed one minute."

"Yeah, yeah." She muttered, beginning to eat.

"It's not that big of a deal." Evan said, his voice quiet.

As they got into conversation, Kai leaned back in his seat, watching as a few of them began exhibiting signs of drowsiness.

It didn't take long before they began dropping like flies.

Startled, Ace quickly stood up, confused. "What's happening?" She questioned, taking a glance at him after she looked at everyone else.

He stood up, a satisfied smile on his face. "I'm claiming you for myself."

"What?" She asked, quickly kneeling down and nudging Allian's shoulder. "What did you do?!" She pressed her fingers against his neck, feeling for his pulse.

"I've just sedated them. Don't worry, they'll be fine." He said, taking her by the arm and pulling her back up.

She stared at him, panic blooming in her veins. "Sedated..?" She glanced at the table, noticing that the only form of liquid that sat on the table was juice. "You drugged.. the juice..?" Almost right after she said that, a wave of drowsiness hit her body, making her knees weak and wanting to crumble.

He chuckled, pulling her against his chest and holding her dearly. "This is how I win."

With her vision beginning to go black, she gave one attempt at trying to get out of his arms, before darkness overtook her.


When she came to, she opened her eyes, startled.

"I must say, Ace." She quickly looked to the side, realizing that she couldn't necessarily move. Tight ropes bound both her wrists and her ankles. She was laying on top of a vintage couch, while Kai sat on an armchair opposite from her. His camera rested on the coffee table. "I must thank you for asking me how I was going to win against the others. It gave me insight on how quickly I must act to get what I want."

She then realized in horror that she was gagged, unable to speak either. She let out a frustrated outcry, struggling against the restraints relentlessly.

"And now, I do have what I want." He said, standing up and sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch.

No longer did he have to conceal his inner demons. The rage that burned beneath his skin seemed to have manifested into some sick, twisted monster that yearned to see others suffer.

As the girl glared daggers at him, she could nearly see that monster. He was enjoying this.

"You're so cute when you're angry." He smirked, pulling what looked like a switchblade from his pocket. "I like seeing you so vulnerable."

She began panicking at the sight of glistening steel.

"Would you like to talk?" He questioned, a curious look on his face.

Staring at him, she reluctantly nodded.

"Okay." He said, bringing the knife closer to her face. "Don't move or I'll end up cutting you."

She shut her eyes tightly and refrained from moving at all. The cloth that was secured around her face soon grew loose, falling onto the couch. Opening her eyes, she saw him lean back, a smile on his face. She narrowed her eyes. "Untie me."

"That's the first thing you say to me?" He asked, amused.

When she sighed in contempt, he shrugged. "I'll make a deal with you, then. I'll untie you while you don't run away from me. Any attempts to do so will end up in pain. Lots of pain."

She nearly flinched when he said that. Moving her gaze away from him, she sighed. "Fine."

Again, she refrained from moving as he slashed at the ropes that bound her, cutting her ties. Once free, she sat upright on the couch, glaring at him.

"Do you hate me?" He questioned, tilting his head innocently at her. "Do you want to run away?"

..I have every reason to hate him, but do I really?

"No." She sighed. "I have so much conflicted feelings about you, even I don't understand it." She then rose an eyebrow at him. "And if I were to run, what would you do?"

He chuckled. "I don't blame you for having conflicted feelings. Getting to know me as nice and kind, and yet, terribly brutal at times." He rose then knife, turning it over in his palm. "And if you were to run away," He gazed at her. "I'd make sure you won't be able to walk again."

The girl sighed, rubbing at her temples. "I.. I should be scared of you.. But I'm not.."

He smiled picking up his camera and snapping a shot of her. "One more for memories."

Looking up at him, she rose an eyebrow in question. "What?"

He shrugged, scrolling through the camera's gallery. "Ever since I met you, I've been taking photos of you."

She blinked at him. "Without my consent?"

"Yeah." He said nonchalantly. He rose his eyes toward her. "Are you scared now, knowing that I've been basically stalking you?"

Again, she did not feel any form of fear. Nor surprise, for that matter. "No."

"Good." He grinned, putting the camera down and taking a seat beside her. He engulfed her in his arms, his grip turning to steel. "Then you'll have no problems living the rest of your life with me."

His actions and words almost felt like he was sealing her fate.

And maybe.. He did.

But did she care anymore at this point..?

She would be lying to herself if she said she did.

This was her reality, and there was no escape.

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