Chapter 21: Cupcakes

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Dec 9, Sunday

Ace stared at the house from behind the fence, still in awe of its size. Even though she'd already been here, she felt as though she could never get used to the sheer size of the house.

She rubbed her eyes, her throat still sore from what had happened yesterday after she went home. Allian had asked her to rehearse some of his play scripts, which she didn't expect would take a few hours.

Pressing the button at the fence's gate, she waited until she heard a beep.

"Hello?" She recognized the soft sound of Evan's voice.

"Hi Evan, it's Ace."

"Hi Ace! I- I'll be at the gate in a few seconds."

Sure enough, the door to the house opened and the small boy sprinted out of the house, approaching the fence with a smile on his face. He dialed a number into the gate and it unlocked, allowing her entrance.

"Good morning, Evan."

"Good morning Ace. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did." She shrugged. "I didn't expect to get into a few hours of reading things out loud. I guess I was just tired from all the reading." She laughed lightly.

"..Really?" Evan opened the door and gestured for her to head in first. "What happened?"

She walked in and slipped off her shoes. "Nothing, really. Allian just asked me to help him rehearse some of his lines for the theater production."

"Is that.. so?" The grey-eyed boy muttered, a strange, uncomfortable feeling rushed over him. Was it anger? No.. that's too severe. Was it...

"Ace, welcome back." Kai greeted, smiling.

"Ace!" Allian grinned.

The two boys were sitting on the sofa, they held game consoles, apparently in the middle of a fight in a cartoonish game. It was paused at the moment.

Evan walked back and took a seat on an armchair, picking up his own game console.

The girl walked over to the other empty sofa, taking a seat and watching in interest as the boys resumed their game.

The words 'Fight!' flashed up, along with a simple skull with two swords crossed behind it. She noticed three knights. A green knight, a blue knight, and a red knight.

She smiled as they initiated their battle. "Where's the orange knight?" She asked. "You guys don't like fire?"

Startled, all three of the boys turned their heads and stared at her in awe.

"You.. know this game?" Allian uttered, amazement apparent in his eyes.

"Yeah!" She grinned. "Castle Bashers!"

"Oh. My... Lord.." Kai stood up abruptly. He walked towards the shelf beside the TV and pulled out another game console. "Let's play."


"No!! Ace have mercy!" Allian cried out as he watched his character getting bashed on. He mashed the buttons on his game control, but to no avail. He watched in horror as his Blue Knight fell dead. "NooOOoOoo!! Why did I have to invest all my skill points on attack! I have no defense..!"

The girl laughed as she played Orange Knight, chasing Kai around and launching fireballs at him.

"Noo!! Dang! Why does magic hurt so much??" He desperately tried to block all of the fireballs with his shield, only to get backstabbed by Evan's Green Knight. "You monster! Traitor! We have to take down Ace together!"

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