Chapter 30: Grim Atmosphere

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  Ace rolled over to the side of her bed, heaving a deep sigh. She had her blanket pulled up to her chin, feeling as though it was some sort of protection from demons.

She glanced at the digital clock sitting on her desk.

2:49 am

There was no way in hell that she'd be getting a good night's sleep tonight. Sitting up, she reached out for the button on her lamp.

The sudden illumination of the room caused her to cover her eyes with her hands for a moment. Slowly releasing, she blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the lighting.

She got off of her bed and opened her bedroom door. Walking toward the bathroom, she turned on the lights. A dull, miserable looking reflection greeted her in the mirror. Disheveled hair, bags beginning to form under her eyes and oily looking skin.

Turning on the faucet, she cupped her hands together and began washing her face.

When she finished rinsing, she looked back up at her reflection. That forlorn girl in the mirror had the same look of despair she had grown used to when she spent the majority of her days in the hospital. She shivered, rubbing her arms.

She had never wanted to see this look in the mirror ever again.

Patting a towel over her face, she turned off the lights and headed back to bed.

Her eyes landed on a small notebook that laid by the corner of her desk. Sitting down on her chair, she took the notebook and flipped it open to a blank page.

She picked up a pen.

Breaking free of your chains will feel like freedom, however, a small feeling of dread follows the heart silently, waiting for its chance to strike. And when it does... All feelings of happiness are swallowed by the void that had been slowly building up inside.

She dropped her pen and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. Sighing, she suddenly began chuckling. What am I doing, writing emo statements now?

Her smile faded.

A gentle knock on the door alerted the girl that someone was coming in, but she didn't have the heart to greet them.

"Ace?" A soft murmur.

"..Hey Dad." She muttered.

"It's almost 3 am." He said, sitting down on her bed. "Can't sleep?"

She nodded. "..Yeah."

His voice grew quiet. "When you came home, you went directly into your room. You didn't come out to eat dinner. Your aunt and I were concerned. And then.. we watched the news.."

Ace grimaced. "It's.. no surprise that it's on the news."

Her father wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you right after I found out. How are you feeling? Did it trigger anything?"

She nodded reluctantly. "Yes."

"Would you like to visit the therapist?"

"..No. I can manage." She pursed her lips.

"Alright. If you change your mind, I'll be happy to help you out." He pressed a gentle kiss to her head. "Are you by any chance, friends with the girl?"

"No." She answered grimly. "She's not a nice person, but she definitely did not deserve her life to end so quickly." She wrapped her arms around him. "She did not deserve a death that brutal.."

Her dad returned her hug, holding her close. "Of course no one deserves to die in that manner. Unfortunate things just happen to people every so often. People who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Forgive me if I sound heartless, but you shouldn't let someone's death take control of your life. What's important is that you're still breathing and alive. You're safe."

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