Chapter 43: Escapade

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Sitting up and turning the lamp on, Ace took a glance at the clock.

It's time.

She reached for the small pillow, her fingers rummaging through the pillowcase.

Once she found what she was looking for, she began to pick at the lock, hoping that she would be able to free herself soon.

If I'm not going to be seeing my family again soon, then this just gives me another reason to try escaping.

After what seemed like half an hour of struggling, she heard the cuffs give a satisfying click. The metal restraints grew loose, allowing her to free her hand.

Yes! Finally.

Putting down the safety pins that she had used, her eyes landed on scissors that rested on her pillow. Its sharp points glinted in the pale light.

This will be useful if Faith and Akia are tied up.

Taking the object, she stood up and hit a switch on the lamp, killing the light it emitted.

The girl walked to the door, taking one last look at the bedroom behind her. Letting a breath escape her mouth, she carefully unlocked the bedroom door, slipped out of the room and closed it as quietly as she could.

The halls were dark. Every light in the house had been turned off- well, besides from a few bedroom doors. The light seeped through from beneath the doors. She concluded that some of the guys were still awake and that she should be extra careful to not alert them.

Looking at her surroundings and squinting her eyes, she could just barely recognize the second-floor hallway from when she walked into Ryoma's room a week ago.

Holding her breath, she crept as silently as she could down the stairs.

Now, where would I find the basement..? 


Slouching back in his chair with his feet on top of an unorganized desk, Raiden's eyes scanned over the small screen's text.

Lyra (3:28pm): There was a burglar?

Lyra: And what happened to your friends?

He smiled, thinking of the various ways he could reply to her.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

He heard the door open, followed by careful footsteps descending the flight of metal stairs.

Kai's eyes glanced around the room, landing on the onyx male sitting by his desk in the middle of the room. He couldn't help but feel at unease, just like he always did when he entered this room.

It was a dark room with stone walls and steel pipes running through the ceiling. Various screws and bolts were littered alongside metal tables. Tools of all kinds were thrown into labeled wooden boxes of all sizes. Strange contraptions sat on top of counters, hidden away behind piles of books- all of which had notes sticking out of the pages. A single lamp hanging above Raiden's wooden desk was the only source of lighting. But even then, it was fairly dim.

His eyes landed on those white gloves Raiden would wear whenever he was in the workshop. They were thrown on top of his desk, dust and trails of oil spoiled the rubberish material.

It was a simple workshop, yet he felt as though the room gave off an eerie vibe.

"What's on your mind, Kai?" Raiden questioned, taking a small glance at him.

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