Chapter 2: Tour

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A picture of Allian ^

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures I use for this story.


"Nice to meet you too, Allian." Ace smiled.

"Okay, Allian. Go now. I trust that you won't leave her." Mrs. Lan dismissed him.

"Alright. Let's go!" He jumped excitedly and shot out the door.

The girl set her bags down on an empty table and grabbed her schedule. Walking towards the door, she heard soft irrelevant murmurs coming from the other students.

Ignoring the comments, she swiftly exited the classroom. The blonde boy stood waiting for her, his blue eyes sparkling in happiness.

"You're just happy to get out of class, aren't you?" She accused, pointing her index finger at him.

With big innocent eyes, he whines, "What do you mean? I'm just happy to be the first one to meet the new transfer student!"

Ace frowned. "Alright then." She proceeded to hand him her schedule, which he took and stared at.

"Advisory- Mr. Zeya- Room 222

1st- Study Hall- Mrs. Lam- Room 213 

2nd- English- Mrs. Abaya- Room 106~"

"Wait why are you reading my schedule?" Ace questioned, reaching to snatch her schedule away from him.

Moving the paper out of her grasp, Allian frowned. "Why can't I? We're going to go to all of your classes anyways."

Grumbling to herself, the girl sighed. "Fair enough."

He continued.

"3rd- Math- Mr. Stewart- Room 329

4th- Service- Mr. Ken- Room 126

5th- History- Mr. Jae- Room 320

6th- Drawing- Mrs. Prez- Room 113

7th- Marine Biology- Ms. Blair- Room 215

8th- Environmental- Ms. Lenny- Room 109"

Allian then grinned at the girl.

"What?" She stared at him.

"We have Advisory and Math together! And of course, Study Hall. Isn't that exciting?" He nearly squealed.

"Oh." Ace smiled slightly. "That's nice."

At least I know someone in three of my classes now. She sighed in relief.

The two of them walked down the hall together, with Allian explaining the locations of the buildings.  "There are three buildings in all, Building 1, Building 2, and Building 3. There are three floors in each of the buildings. Floor 1, Floor 2, and Floor 3. You get the idea. It's pretty self-explanatory." He explained.

Ace nodded along, noting that the first building was the building to the right when you enter the school. The second was to the left, and the third you had to climb up the stairs. You also had to climb up those stairs for the grass field and the gym.

"The buildings are pretty big in itself, so the club rooms are also located inside the buildings." Allian gestured to a classroom to their left. "This one, for example, is the Art Club."

Stopping to take a look inside the classroom through the small window in the door, the girl could spot a pile of canvases leaning against a desk, as well as a sink where all the brushes could be found. On another table was a small box labeled 'Fountain Pens and Ink'.

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