Chapter 17: Phone Numbers

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 Ace packed up her things, careful to not apply any sort of pressure on her wrist. Her mind wandered to Ryoma's sketchbook. His sketches were very well drawn and it was delightful to read the descriptions on what was happening by the very side of the sketch.


She looked at Ryoma with a questioning glance.

He grimaced. "Is it.. Okay if I took your notebook? I would like to continue reading what you wrote."

"Sure." She laughed. "Is it that intriguing? Does it interest you that much?"

"Don't tease me." He said rather seriously.

"As you wish." she grinned.

The water fountain soon came into view. The four other males were already there, waiting for Ryoma. As they approached, they immediately perked up once they saw Ace walked alongside him.

"Hey, Ace!" Allian ran over to the girl. "Are you okay? What happened? What did the counselor tell you? Your wrist is bandaged! That means you're hurt! How could I have let this ha-"

"Allian. Calm down." She interrupted him.


"I'm fine, okay? The counselor just asked me a few questions and told me that I'll be suspended on Monday for getting into a fight. That's all." She smiled reassuringly.

"Ace, are you going home now?" Kai walked closer to her, standing beside the blonde. She then noticed that all of the males seemed to have closed the distance between them and her.

"Yeah, I just need to go grab some books from my locker. I'll see you guys later." She smiled before trying to walk around them, only to have her arm pulled back.

"Evan?" She looked at him in confusion.

"Ace.. Can I.. walk with you to your locker..?" He asked, looking at the ground.

"That's a great idea. Why don't we all accompany Ace to her locker?" Raiden charmingly smiled at her. "We wouldn't want to have our lady walking alone, would we?"

"Uhh.." She looked at each male, bewildered. Her eyes traveled down towards her arm, which Evan hadn't let go of yet. His eyes nearly said, 'I won't let go of your arm unless you agree.'

"I.. I guess so?" She stuttered.

Evan let go of her arm and hid his embarrassed face.

The six of them began walking forwards in the direction of Ace's locker. They got multiple weird stares from passing students, as well as some nasty looks from a few girls. She heard a few of them murmur-

"Isn't that the girl who got into a fight?" 


"She doesn't deserve to be hanging out with them.."

Kai gently patted her back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She crossed her arms. "I'm used to it."

"Hey, Ace. If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do on Monday since you're not coming to school?" Allian questioned.

The female shrugged. "I don't know. Stay home, lie in bed all day? Binge on random videos or watch a movie or two."

"I know!" The blonde excitedly grinned. "We could keep you company!"

She cringed. The other males perked up, waiting for Allian's words. "What? How would you even do that?"

"We could text you! Then you'll never be bored!"

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