Chapter 55: Recovery

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Staring at the clock, Ace let out a sigh.

It's 5:38 and I'm bored.

She thought about taking a nap like she always did when she was bored, but she decided she didn't want to meet her demon again.

It'll tell me to actually pull through with suicide this time.

Running her fingers through her hair, she took a glance to the side. The little piece of technology that held Evan's music sat on the nightstand, its earbuds sprawled out across the surface.

...Would it be easy if I.. strangled myself with those earbuds..?

With eyes wide in panic, she quickly backed away from the object, slapping herself mentally for having such terrible thoughts.

What am I doing?! I have to live. I have to see my family again. I have to see Lyra again.

Her thoughts then shifted over to the phone call she had received from her dad a few days ago. A deep frown appeared on her face, as well as unsettling thoughts.

No... My family must still be at home. They couldn't have moved yet, right? They would at least want to see me in person to say goodbye, right?

She nearly flinched when the door opened.

She stared at the newcomer for a moment before looking back down at her blanket.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, walking in and taking a seat beside her. She couldn't tell if he actually meant it, or if he was just interested in what she was thinking after such an ordeal.

"Tired." She responded simply. "Do you always barge into rooms without knocking first?"

Raiden rose an eyebrow before he chuckled, amused. "Well, your mood has certainly taken a 180-degree turn."

She blinked at him. "Can I change into my sleepwear? I feel uncomfortable wearing these clothes in bed." She said, glancing down at her sweater and shorts. "No, you know what? Can I take a shower? I could really freshen up after almost committing suicide."

He suddenly started laughing, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him. "This is why I love you, Ace. You're so fascinating! You're so unique, unlike everyone else that I've met."

The girl stiffened up from his touch, forcing herself to calm down. With one forceful shove, she pushed him off of her and sighed. "Why do you enjoy seeing me in pain?"

He smirked at her. "Well, that was out of context."

"Is it really?" She questioned, slumping against the headboard. "For all I know, you just want to keep me around to extract reactions from me."

"You're correct." He said, running his fingers against the duvet. "Every girl I know fall for my charms. All except you."

She gave him a skeptical look. "Really? When I first met you, you came off as a creep to me."

He shrugged. "You'd be surprised by how much girls fall for me. Quite careless on their part."

"'Quite careless?'" She narrowed her eyes. "What do you do to them?"

He put a hand on top of his heart, feigning hurt. "You wound me, Ace. Must you villainize me for everything?"

He girl scoffed. "If I remember correctly, during that snowball fight, I did say 'I didn't know you made such a good villain.'"

Raiden chuckled. "I'll admit, it was quite fun taking out your team."

She groaned, hugging a pillow to her chest. "You sadist."

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