Chapter 7: Sketchbook

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A picture of Evan ^

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures I use for this story.


Dec 6th, Thursday (Period 5-8)

Ace slipped out of her house and onto the sidewalk. As she began walking, she heard a squeal from behind her.


When she looked around, she was surprised to see Akia waving her hand at her frantically, dashing towards her. "I didn't know you lived in this neighborhood!"

The female was equally surprised. "Hey Akia, that means we could walk to school together."

"Yes! Fantastic!" Her friend grinned.

They walked towards the school together, through the park.

"Did you meet anyone else yesterday?" Her friend asked, curious.

Ace put a finger on her chin. "I met.. Ryoma and Kai yesterday. Ryoma when I went to deliver a note, and Kai after school."

Akia laughed. "I don't know them too well, but doesn't Kai wear glasses and like photography?"

"Yeah. Do you know anything about Ryoma?"

"No, other than his willingness to punch someone and break their teeth if they pester him too much."

Ace flinched, surprised. From her experience yesterday, she knew that he disliked others talking to him, but didn't think he would actually start violence.

"What's with that face? You look like you've seen something." Akia raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, uh.. It's nothing." The girl smiled sheepishly.

"Did you annoy Ryoma or something? I can see it all over your face."

Ace sighed. "I may have bugged him a bit more than I thought I had." Akia stared at her with a face that said 'wtf?'.

"What? He helped me find my classes yesterday morning when I just came in, so I thought I would talk to him a bit." Ace crossed her arms defensively.

"Oh, Ace. You're so trusting of others." Akia tsked.

"What? I am?" She stared at the smaller girl.

Her friend shook her head and sighed.

As the girls approached the gates of the school, Ace mentally ran through her schedule for the day. A shot of panic rushed through her body as she quickly swung her backpack in front of her, digging through the contents of her bag. Where is it? Oh, no.

"What's wrong?" Akia questioned, observing her friend's flustered state.

"I don't have my sketchbook with me." She answered, anxiety building up. Then she remembered she had put her sketchbook down on the desk beside Ryoma when she delivered the summons to him.

"Any idea of where it could be? Did you leave it at home?" Akia wondered, concern lining her features.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I left it in a classroom." Ace replied. "Hey, tell Faith that I'm going to be searching for the sketchbook, okay? I'll catch you guys later."

"Of course." Her friend agreed, looking at the female as she quickly ran towards the school.

Ace passed by the gates of the school and skidded around the hallways, making a beeline to the presumed classroom her sketchbook was in. Please be in your class, please be in your class. She crossed her fingers, hoping the teacher was there.

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