Chapter 52: Regaining Sanity

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Flinching as the door suddenly opened, Ace shoved the safety pin into her pajamas pocket, deeming that she had too less time to put it back into the pillowcase.

"Good afternoon, Ace." Raiden said, walking into her room. She could see that Allian and Evan standing outside the door frame, not making any moves to come in.

Furrowing her brow, the girl greeted him quietly. "..Raiden."

He sat down beside her, a grin on his face. "Ready to go out?"

Startled, she blinked at him in confusion. "Go out?" She then allowed her gaze to settle on the two males who stood outside the room. A grateful smile settled on her lips. "Yeah."

Her eyes followed his hands as he pulled out a key from his back pocket, bringing it toward the cuff that bound her wrist to the bed frame. "We're giving you a chance to prove that you can behave." He said, unlocking the cuff.

She felt an immense amount of relief flood through her veins as the metal released her wrist. She glanced back up at him. "What do you mean?"

"If you don't make any attempt to run," Raiden smirked. "Then I'll consider allowing you to roam around the house during the day. No cuffs to bind you to this room."

Surprised, she rubbed her bandaged wrist. "Are you serious?"

Raiden stood up, a smug look on his face. "I don't lie."

She narrowed her eyes at him. But you do manipulate.

Climbing off the bed, she glanced down at what she was wearing. Her sleep clothes. Nothing more, nothing less. "Can I change first?" She asked.

He nodded. "Go ahead."

Walking to her closet, she grabbed a sweater along with some shorts before heading into the bathroom to change.

She shut the door, flinching when she turned her head and saw her reflection on the sink mirror. Quickly looking away, she sighed.

A moment later, she emerged from the bathroom, donning her outfit of choice. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

She did feel great after having a chance to wash her face. "I'm ready."


As she walked down the stairs, she subconsciously pulled the sleeves of her jacket over her bandages. She had mixed feelings about being escorted down by the three males.

Ryoma and Kai sat in the living room, patiently waiting for her. They turned their heads to her when they heard the sound of footsteps descending the stairs.

Ryoma immediately looked away, a light red dusting his cheeks.

A small smile cracked on her lips. She somehow found it within herself to joke. "Are you blushing? Never seen a girl wear shorts before?"

When Ryoma didn't respond, Evan stifled a laugh.

Kai stood up, walking over to her. He was carrying a familiar black bag slung over his shoulder. "I like what you did with your hair."

She scoffed. Even though she had just tied it, strands of her hair had already escaped its confines and hung around her face loosely. "You like my messy ponytail? Thanks."

Allian walked over to what seemed like a storage room and proceeded to open the door. He picked up some shoes.

"Are those my shoes?" She asked, walking over to him. So that's where they were.

He nodded, handing them over to her. "Yeah."

Taking it from him graciously, she walked toward the front door and slipped them on. Never had she thought she would miss something such as her own shoes.

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