Raiden Ending

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The male sat alone by a rustic desk, various chemicals and liquids sprawled out across the surface. The familiar darkness and chilly air of the basement was something he had gotten accustomed to ever since he moved into this house.

He flipped the pages of his book, eyes scanning over the small text regarding chemicals used in World War I and other Civil Wars. Unsurprisingly, chloroform was one of these substances used to subdue wounded soldiers that needed to undergo surgery, or to relieve the pain and trauma they were suffering through.

When he finally found what he was looking for, he began mixing the chemicals that sat on his desk together, occasionally walking toward a shelf and picking up a few materials he needed.

His end result? A colorless, sweet-smelling liquid that would be activated after inhalation.

Pouring the liquid into a few vials, he sealed them up and placed them carefully into his pockets along with a multitude of rags. He walked up the stairs, exiting his workshop.

If all went well and according to plan, every guy would be rendered unconscious by the chemical, and he would be claiming his prized possession for good.


A gentle nudge to her shoulder made her shift slightly, her eyes fluttering open.

She blinked a couple of times, trying to get her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. "Mm?" She muttered after a moment, barely making out the male who sat beside her. She sat up, the cuffs tugging slightly at her wrist. "What.. what are you doing here?"

"Claiming my prize." He said, his gentle smile through the shadows sending chills down her spine.

His arm suddenly snaked around her waist as he pressed a piece of cloth soaked in a disturbingly sweet liquid to her nose, making her mind go hazy.

He pulled her against him, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head as her eyes closed, her body weak and unmoving. Darkness crept up on her, claiming her mind and plunging her into unconsciousness.


Groaning slightly, the girl allowed her eyes to open. She realized almost instantly that she was in an unfamiliar room.

There were no windows. The only source of lighting was a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling. The vintage looking furniture and torn wallpaper gave this atmosphere a chilling vibe, almost as if this room was old and abandoned.

Getting off of the sofa that she was resting on, she took unsteady steps toward the only door in the room. Her hopes faltered when the door wouldn't budge. It looked like fresh metallic locks were installed recently.

Frowning, she banged her fists on the door. "Let me out!" She yelled, frustrated to be locked in again.

When there wasn't any answer, she sighed, walking back to the bed and sitting down. She stared at the wall, contemplating on what to do next.

When she heard the sound of locks turning and the door opening, she stood up quickly, unease flowing through her body.

The onyx male stood by the door frame, flashing his signature smile at her. "Good morning, Ace. Hope you had a nice rest."

The girl scowled at him. "Where am I?"

Raiden walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. "Such a sweet greeting, love." As she continued to glare at him, he shrugged. "I won't disclose that information."

She crossed her arms. "Why not?"

Walking up to her, he pushed her back down onto the bed, towering over her. "So I get to see you struggle to try and figure out where you are."

She sighed in annoyance, looking away from him. "This is why I dislike you, you know?"

He reached out for her, gently taking her hands. "But you don't hate me, and that's good enough."

"And how do you know I don't hate you?" She asked, pulling her hands out of his hold.

"It's easy, really." He said, taking a seat next to her. "You would have tried fighting me the moment I stepped into this room, but you didn't. You didn't even try escaping for that matter."

The girl glanced down at her hands which rested on her lap. "Or, maybe I'm just too tired to fight back." She muttered in an almost inaudible voice.

He chuckled, amused. "Did my little feisty Ace break already?"

"Shut up." She hissed, clenching her fist and launching it at his face.

He nimbly moved his head to the side, catching her wrist without any effort. He then roughly shoved her down onto the bed, pinning both her wrists down. His onyx eyes gazed into hers as he smiled. "So you haven't lost your will to fight. Or perhaps you have, and just tried punching me out of anger."

She scowled at him. "Get off of me."

"I don't feel like it." He said in a lazy voice. "Fighting against me or trying to escape will have consequences. You of all people should know that."

She glowered at him, struggling against his iron grip.

"Quite rebellious." He commented, tightening his fingers around her wrists, making her wince from the pain. "Maybe I'll.." He suddenly leaned in, his lips brushing against hers for a quick second before pulling away. "Steal your first kiss?"

Shocked, the girl stared at him, feeling the ghost of his lips lingering on hers.

Chuckling, he released her wrists. "But next time, I won't be so kind with my punishments."

She quickly sat up, running her fingertips against her lips. "...You bastard."

The male then stood up, shrugging as he began walking away. "You may have that attitude towards me now, but I'll have so much fun breaking you completely." He glanced back at her as he opened the door. "You'll say that you love me soon enough." He left the room, closing it behind him.

The sound of locks clicking back into place made a sense of frustration and yet, defeat, run through her veins.

The girl sighed, glancing down at her feet. She gently touched her fingertips to her lips again.


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