Chapter 36: A Friendly Snowball Fight

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 "..I forgot the suitcases."

Ace watched in amusement as Ryoma sighed, walking out into the cold once more. It had been about ten minutes since they had all entered the lodge. Allian ran around the place excitedly, exploring every nook and cranny in the house.

"All of the bedrooms are upstairs, along with two bathrooms and a storage room! There are also balconies!" Allian yelled as he sprinted around the room. "The kitchen and the living room are on the first floor, along with two closets and a fireplace. Everything's so well furnished! Everything feels so comfy!"

Everybody else was currently sitting in the living room.

"I thought this was a public place." Faith said, finding a comfortable spot on the couch.

"Oh, right. We didn't tell you and Akia. This lodge is actually property owned by Kai's family." Raiden answered, leaning back into an armchair.

"Really?" Akia questioned, gazing at the brown haired male curiously.

"Yeah," Kai answered, adjusting his glasses. "It belongs to my aunt and uncle. They would usually bring their family here for winter, but this year they informed me that they would be out of state. They told me I could bring friends here if I wanted to."

"Ah!" Akia grinned. "I see!"

Standing up, Ace walked over towards the main door and slipped on her shoes.

"Ace, where are you going?" Kai questioned.

Evan lifted his head, looking at her curiously.

She glanced back at him. "I'm gonna go help Ryoma with the suitcases."

"Put on your jacket before you go." Raiden said, his voice almost sounding authoritative.

Frowning, she sighed. "Fine." Picking out her winter jacket from a clothing rack, she slid the clothing onto her body before leaving the lodge.

As she walked out of the lodge, she welcomed the cold winter air as it made contact with her body.

"Go back inside," Ryoma ordered, pulling three suitcases towards the door.

"No. I'm helping you." Ace denied, walking towards the van parked beside the lodge. "The guys always rely on you to do the heavy lifting."

The male rose an eyebrow at her. "Well when it comes to physical strength, I am the strongest out of all of them. It's no surprise they task me with these things."

She scoffed at him as she pulled a few suitcases out of the van. "They could help you instead of leaving you to do everything yourself."

Ryoma grabbed the suitcases from her and brought them to the lodge entrance. "I don't mind doing all the work myself."

"If you say so." She shrugged, pulling the last of the suitcases out. She searched the trunk, double checking to see if anything was left behind. "Hey, what's this?" She questioned, spotting a small brown pouch. The elaborate design etched into its side caught her attention.

"It's Raiden's." He answered quickly, taking the bag from her. "Crafting materials I suppose."

"Can I peek at what's inside?" She asked quietly as if she didn't want Ryoma to hear her.

The male scowled at her. "You still haven't learned to respect people's privacy, have you?"

Ace rolled her eyes at him and searched the trunk for anything she could have missed. "Maybe."

Ryoma shook his head at her in disapproval.

Shrugging, she closed the trunk door and walked towards the lodge.

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