Evan Ending

656 28 18

The boy sat at his laptop with his headphones covering his ears. He glanced at the time displayed at the bottom right of the screen.

It's time.

Shutting down his laptop, he removed the headphones and let them dangle around his neck as usual. Pulling open a drawer, he took out a brown pouch with those familiar embroiders etched along the side of it.

Kai is.. quite foolish for trusting me with this responsibility.

He pulled it open, his eyes scanning the contents inside of the bag. As he began assembling the syringes, his eyes fell onto the pack of needles that sat inside their container. A twinge of guilt ran through his body as he took the container with shaky fingers.

He'd injected the girl he loved twice now.. Would she forgive him if he injected her a third time?

He bit down roughly, shaking his head slightly.

Ace will always forgive me.. won't she? All she needs is.. time, right?

Once he was done connecting the syringes and needles, he carefully put them back into the bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

As he walked to the door of his bedroom, he glanced around the room one last time before quietly leaving slipping outside, wondering if he'll ever come back.

Walking out of the last room and quietly closing the door behind him, he breathed out a sigh of relief. Injecting the guys wasn't as hard as he thought it would be.

Even when they woke up, it was all too late for them. The serum was already making its way through their veins.

His gaze landed on her bedroom door. This was it.

Opening the door and walking in silently, he watched as the girl he loved rested peacefully in her sleep. He drew out the last syringe he had prepared, gently lifting the blanket that was covering her neck.

He forced himself to remain calm and neutral.

Glancing back down object he held in his hands, he slowly plunged it into her neck, releasing the serum into her veins.

The girl's eyes snapped open in surprise, slowly coming to the realization of what was happening. The alarm in her eyes soon faded as her body grew heavy, slipping back into oblivion.


Ace groaned as she opened her eyes, her neck and head throbbing in pain.

"Sh*t." She grunted, finding the strength within herself to brush her fingers across her aching neck.

When her eyes landed on a small sleeping form beside her, she jolted in surprise, waking him up in the process.

"Mmm.." Evan muttered, opening his eyes. Yawning, he lazily scooted closer to her, wrapping his arms around her. "Will you stay with me.. Ace?"

The girl frowned, brushing him off and sitting up. When she tried moving her feet, a sense of despair washed over her when she realized her right ankle was chained to the bed. Letting her eyes roam around the room, she felt confused. "Where are we? And why is my ankle chained up?"

Evan slowly sat up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. "..You're in my room.. In my house."

Surprised, she looked back at him. "Do your grandparents know about this?"

He nodded slowly. "They're aging.. They've both been diagnosed with dementia. They won't even remember who you are.. To them, as long as I seem happy, they're okay with anything."

"They're okay with having a random girl in their house with her ankle chained to a bed?" She questioned, grimacing.

He sighed, pulling her back down onto the soft mattress. "Can we just.. forget about the world? And just enjoy this moment.."

Many questions rushed through her mind, but her lips remained sealed.

As long as my family is safe.. I was expecting something like this to happen, wasn't I?

She placed her arm around him, her other hand gently brushing the navy hair that fell over his eyes. "Do you really have to chain my ankle..?"

He allowed himself to peak at her through slitted, grey eyes. "If I release you.. Will you run away from me?"

Will I.. really?

When she didn't reply, he pulled her closer to him. "I won't let the only person who bothered to talk to me.. leave me. With you by my side, I feel like I don't have to hide away from the world and drown it out with music. I feel free when I'm with you.."

A slight frown tugged at her lips. "You know I'm not the only person who bothered to get to know you. And you know there's many other people in the world who would be happy to get to know you."

He shook his head slightly. "But I.. also love you.."

Startled, the girl drew in a breath.

...I'm foolish.

She shifted slightly, closing her eyes.

I'm really am foolish.

"..I won't leave you, Evan."

The male observed her, weighing her words and wondering if they were true.

Would she lie to him?

He hesitated before deciding to trust her, sitting up and pulling out a key from his pocket. She didn't move as she heard the key slide into its lock, releasing the chains from her ankle.

When she didn't move after her release, he breathed a sigh of relief, happiness filling in his chest. Laying back down, he snuggled closer to her while she drew her arm around him. Leaning upward, he brushed his lips gently along her jaw.

"I'm really happy to be with you." He murmured softly.

Even if I'm still a captive..

Maybe.. Just maybe... staying with him.. Isn't so bad.

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