Chapter 38: Untold Truths

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 The sound of boots crunching against the snow disrupted the peaceful silence. She glanced at the house, which seemed to be empty. There wasn't any other transportation vehicle around the parking area either. If there ever was a vehicle in the area, all tracks would have been covered by fresh snow.

She pulled out her phone, narrowing her eyes.

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Walking towards the lodge door, she gave a few hard knocks and gazed at the windows.

The windows were drawn. No one responded. It felt as though this lodge had never been touched in the first place.

Walking around the lodge's perimeter, her eyes trailed along the windows.

A shot of unease drenched her body when her eyes lay upon a particular window by the back of the house.

It had been shattered.

She cautiously walked towards the broken window, avoiding shards of glass poking out of the snow. Parting the curtains with her steel fingers, she narrowed her eyes as she gazed into the dark room.



"Ace.. can I come in?"

Sighing, Ace sat up, wiping her tears onto her sleeve. Deep inside, she knew that crying and feeling sorry for herself wasn't going to do her any good, but she couldn't stop it from happening anyways.

She glanced at the door, reluctantly complying. "Yes."

The door opened and Evan walked into the room, holding a dish piled high with pancakes and berries, as well as a glass of orange juice. He put the platter on top of the nightstand, along with a fork and a plastic knife. "Ace.. Please eat."

She stared at the boy, who seemed to be hiding behind his hood. She glanced back down at the bed, her expression hardening and becoming neutral.

"Have you been.. crying?" He asked, warily moving closer to her.

She pursed her lips. "Evan.."

The boy nearly flinched. "Y-yes?"

"I thought you were scared of needles." She felt her neck begin to throb the moment that sentence left her lips.

He shifted uncomfortably, biting his lip. "It-It isn't the same.. getting injected and injecting someone else.. I-I'm sorry.."

Ace sighed, laying back down on the bed, the handcuff chains rattling slightly from her movement. "I see."

"Are you mad at me..?" His voice was strained as if he were terrified of hearing the answer.

She chuckled. It sounded almost cruel, yet pitiful. "Evan. I'm chained to a bed and I'm getting blackmailed by the people I trusted. Do I seem mad to you..?"

The boy seemed to shrink, harshly digging his nails into his palm. "I'm.. sorry.."

Sorry doesn't mean anything. She sighed, daring to take a glance at him. She pursed her lips as she saw him looking heartbroken and distressed to the point of tears pooling around his eyes. Even though he played a part in her kidnapping, she still couldn't find it within herself to hurt him for some reason.

She thought of saying something rather spiteful, but couldn't find it in her heart to say it.

"..Can you.. leave me alone for now?" She forced herself to say, her voice sounding more gentle than she had hoped for. When he didn't budge, her eyes landed on the platter of food he had brought for her. "I promise I'll eat."

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