Chapter 28: The Rehearsal

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 Taking a seat near the front, Ace felt a bit surprised by how soft the cushions were. Besides her, Kai looked around the room. "The size of this place always gets me. You'd never expect a public high school to get so much funding for a school theater."

Ace shrugged, running her fingers along the black, polished wood of the armrest. "It's a school with a lot of art programs. I wouldn't be surprised if they invested on a stage where students get to show off what they've been working on."


The girl turned her head, pleasantly surprised when she saw the rest of the guys. "Hey!"

Raiden smiled and took the free seat next to her. "I didn't know you were attending Allian's rehearsal."

"Yeah." She smiled. "I can't miss out seeing what Allian's been working so hard on."

Ryoma and Evan glanced at each other before walking up the stage and disappearing through the side curtains.

"Where are they going?" She questioned, watching the curtains fall back into place.

"Mr. Dardaswin had requested that they help the backstage crew," Kai answered, stretching his arms. "They needed some extra help today since they are making everything look like how it's going to be played out on Friday."

"They're really going all out, huh?" Ace murmured, looking at the stage. It was beautifully set up just like a ballroom. Luxurious red curtains adorned the walls of the room, along with a few intricate white pillars. A single chandelier hung by the center of the room, the glass glistening in the light. Tables and chairs with white cloth draped over them added to the magnificent setting. "How did they even afford all that?"

"Fundraising, sponsorships, and receiving donations." Raiden answered. "Because of the school's notorious reputation for hosting magnificent dances, symphonies, musicals, theater productions, and talent showcases, many companies have shown interest in this school. They want the best for this school."

"Wow.." She uttered.

"Okay, everybody! Into your positions!" A voice called out. A tall man walked to the middle of the stage, clipboard in hand. "I need the Vonderworths and the Asyllies on the stage. Servants with props. Everyone in their respective positions. Begin Act 1- Scene 3! We will stop at Act 2 for a small break then continue."

With that, the man walked back through the side curtains.

The lights dimmed. The curtains closed. All spotlights were directed at the stage. The sound of shuffling footsteps tapping on the stage was all that was heard.

Ace smiled, anxiously waiting for the curtains to unfold. She felt excitement beginning to spread across her chest.

When the footsteps turned silent and the curtains parted, many ladies and gentlemen were revealed in their prim and proper formal attire. Many young and old couples were dancing elegantly in the middle of the marbled ballroom, their brothers and sisters watching with pride.

The spotlight then shifted slowly, landing on a group of three. A woman and her husband, along with their daughter.

"My my, dear Calista." The woman who wore a formal, graceful dress smiled at Calista- or Stephanie. "My lovely daughter must feel so out of place, gazing upon those couples who dance the night away. Wouldn't you love to find a partner? A lady must never be alone at events such as this! Perhaps I shall introduce you to the young, fair males who seek a lovely maiden."

Stephanie has the lead female role? Ace thought, furrowing her eyebrows. I guess Kai wasn't lying.

"No, no mother." Calista smiled gently. "I seek no man other than the one I know."

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