Chapter 31: Positivity

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"Lyra... Aren't you in class?"

Ace slowly walked alone around the school grounds, her phone pressed to her ear. Her eyes were trailing down on the concrete as she heard the sound of her shoes scraping against it.

"I excused myself to the restroom." Her friend responded. "How much time do you have?"

The girl glanced at her watch. "Around seven minutes before class starts."

"Okay. I'll get straight to the point then." There was a short pause. "I heard there was an accident at your school. Are you okay?"

She remained silent for a moment. "If I were to be completely honest, no. I'm not okay. I got the experience of watching that girl die."

"Did it trigger anything?"


"Are you okay with telling me?" Lyra's voice sounded urgent.

She stopped walking. "It was a memory of you, Lyra. The time I found you beaten up." She shuddered. "I can never get rid of that picture from my mind. And they.. They said that infection you got.. they.. had to.." Tears began pricking at her eyes. "You lost.. a piece.. of..-"

"Ace, get a hold of yourself. That was six years ago! I would be lying if I said I didn't feel crushed on the inside, or if I didn't go through depression. I'd be lying if I said I was very anxious of what people would think when they saw me! Sure, I have nightmares about that procedure, but I am fine! Living, breathing, alive. Happier than I have ever been before!"

Ace began to walk again. "I know you're happy... But you would have been so much more happier you didn't meet me. You wouldn't have been dragged into everything I brought onto you."


"Ace. You know, ever since I met you, I was terrified of you. I thought you would be just like them, enjoying the sight of me helpless and in pain."

"I'm no sadist." She chuckled dryly.

Lyra scoffed. "When you talked to me, I was surprised. You weren't the person who I thought you would be. I think that all the hardships we went through leads up to who we are now. Those challenges made us strong and confident, knowing that taking action is the right thing to do if someone was getting hurt. If I didn't meet you, then I would still be that pathetic coward that I use to be. I am so, so happy to have met you and I would happily go through all that again just for you."

The girl frowned as her mind suddenly remembered what Lyra would always say once they had culminated from middle school.

"I'm not being forced to help you. It's like a volunteering gig!" And this- She pointed at her arm that had gone through the procedure. "I'd do it all over again because you're my friend."

Surprisingly, Ace found it within herself to laugh. "You haven't changed at all."

"Of course I haven't. It's only been a week since you moved!"

"Fair enough."

"But you on the other hand-" Lyra continued. "Seem very sad and traumatized. I don't blame you. However, things won't change if you can't find the courage to move on. So ask yourself this. 'Am I going to remain sad and feel worthless, or am I going to move on and better myself?'. Give yourself adequate time to grieve. Then, move on. Don't let it hold you back."

The bell rang.

"..You're right." She smiled. "Thank you."

"Don't get all soppy on me, girly. You're supposed to be the strong one." Lyra laughed. "I should get back to class."

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