Chapter 25: Trypanophobia

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 "Evan, your weight and heart rate is good. You've been taking your medicine every day, right?"

"Yeah." Evan answered, peering down at the paperwork the nurse was filling out.

"Alright." She smiled. "The doctor will come in soon." She got up from her seat and placed the file of paperwork neatly on the table before walking out of the room.

Ace slowly walked around the room, peering at all the instructional posters on the walls. If she were to be honest, they frightened her a tad. It was simply explaining the results of some diseases and abnormalities, but in the back of her mind, she could hear a little voice warning her that if she did not take care of herself, she too could fall victim to one of these illnesses.

Evan fiddled with his sleeve, sliding his jacket hoodie back onto his head. Glancing over at him, the girl shook her head slightly. "Don't you think you should take your hood off? I think it's kind of expected that you don't have it on, just as respect for the doctor."

He sighed, pulling the hood off of his head. "You're right.. I'm sorry Ace."

She smiled. "I guess you're just very nervous. That reminds me, are you okay with me being here? I mean, your doctor is going to go through some stuff that may be personal to you."

He took in a breath. "Well.. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't want you to worry about me." He glanced up at her and smiled. "You can wait outside on the sofa."

"Alright." She pushed herself off the wall and walked towards the door.

"Thank you, Ace."

Looking back at him for a moment, she grinned before slipping out of the room.

She walked towards the waiting area beside one of the offices and sat down. The grey cushion sank beneath her, allowing her comfort. She looked down the hallway, her eyes trailing up towards Room 4.

"Worried about him?"

Ace looked up. Her eyes fell upon the nurse who stood behind a counter, organizing a few papers.

"Actually I.. Don't exactly know what's wrong." She slumped against the sofa's back. "I won't ask him unless he feels comfortable telling me."

The nurse put down the papers. "It's nice that you're respecting his privacy." She looked up and smiled. "Evan's never brought anyone with him before. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kaitlyn."

"I'm Ace. Nice to meet you as well." She nodded.

Kaitlyn began shifting through a few more things on her desk. "It's comforting to know that Evan has people caring for him. He comes for a check-up and a blood test once a month, but for some reason, he's almost always late by around thirty minutes. Today he was only late by a few minutes, so that's surprising."

The girl giggled. "I ran into him and he said he had a doctor's appointment. But he was walking really slowly. He was stalling."

Kaitlyn rose an eyebrow. "Do you know why?"

"I believe the name is.. Trypanophobia?" Ace tilted her head up in thought.

"The fear of needles?" The nurse laughed lightly. "A lot of people are scared of needles. He knew he had to get a blood test so I guess that's why he stalls time."

"Yeah." Ace smiled. "I had to pull him here."

"You're a good friend." Kaitlyn smiled. Checking her laptop, she picked up a box full of medical equipment. "The doctor's done talking with Evan. I need to go administer the blood test now."

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