Chapter 37: A Surprise

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 Pulling a blanket over the couch she had opted for, Ace fluffed her pillow before sitting down and glancing at her friends. The room was lit by a single lamp beside Faith's bed.

She was exhausted from the day's events- and slightly in pain. She hadn't expected the snowballs to leave a few bruises on her skin. Gently running her finger across the red skin, she frowned. Maybe throwing ice at each other was a bad idea... But it was fun.

Aside from their snowball fight, they had spent the evening together telling scary stories and playing a few games, such as Mafia and Spyfall. Evan's scary story wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Perhaps things are much scarier in film, just because the viewer has a clear picture of what's happening.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to ask the guys when to wake up." Faith sighed. "I usually oversleep."

"Same, but I'm too tired to ask." Akia sighed, falling onto her bed. "Ace, are you sure you're okay with sleeping on the couch?"

The girl nodded. "Yeah. If anything, I'll wake you guys up in the morning."

"Okay, but are you sure? I don't mind sharing the bed." Faith said, frowning.

"I'm sure." Ace grinned. 

"Alright." Faith smiled, climbing onto her bed. "Goodnight!" She said, reaching for the lamp and turning it off.

Laying down, the girl pulled the blanket over herself and let out a long breath. She stared at the dark ceiling, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dark. Running her fingers gently along her fluffy blanket, she let her eyes close. Soon enough, she allowed sleep to claim her body.


Her eyes snapped open. She quickly sat up and stayed silent, pursing her lips as she listened for any sounds of abnormality. I thought I heard something..

She stood up and walked towards the door silently, glancing at her friends who were still sound asleep. Slipping out of the bedroom and closing the door gently behind her, she crept down the hallway and towards the stairs.

The sound of something shattering followed by the shuffling of footsteps resonated from downstairs.

The lights from the 1st floor suddenly flickered on, making the girl shield her eyes from the sudden change of lighting. She slowly removed her hands from her face, allowed her eyes to adjust.

Narrowing her eyes, she slowly descended the stairs.

"Kai?" She questioned, her eyes wide in surprise.

The brown haired male cringed, slowly turning around at the sound of her voice. "Ah... Sorry, did I wake you up?" He awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Walking completely down the stairs, her eyes landed on shards of broken glass and a small puddle of water laying a few feet away from him. "What happened?" She walked towards him, looking around for a broom. "Are you hurt?"

Stepping away from the glass, he walked over to a cabinet, grabbing a dustpan and a brush. "No, I'm fine. I just felt a little thirsty so I came down for a glass of water." He frowned, walking back to the hazard. "I'm a bit clumsy when it's 3 am."

"Let me help." She said, reaching for the cleaning tools.

"No," He said, pulling the tools away from her. "I'll clean it myself. You should go back to sleep."

She stared at him, frowning at his words. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." He grinned, waving his hand and dismissing her. His eyes focused on the glass as he began sweeping it into the dustpan.

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