Chapter 39: Tipping Point

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 "What the hell did you tell her?"

After closing the bedroom door, Raiden turned around, his eyes landing on Allian before walking towards the kitchen. "Why do you ask?"

Allian scowled, following the male. "Did you hurt her even more?"

Raiden shrugged, moving his free hand towards the plate and taking hold of it to support his other hand. "I'd rather dish out all the damage so she may recover from all aspects at the same time. It may hurt her and take her longer to forgive us, but it's better than resetting the affection we've been working towards."

Allian stared at him. "That doesn't make any sense. You said that she'll forgive us in time, but you didn't say anything about hurting her and making her hate us more. What did you tell her?"

They began walking down the stairs.

Raiden didn't look back at him. "It's simple. I told her about Stephanie."

Allian stopped walking, his lips parting open slightly in disbelief. "You told her that we were behind Stephanie's death?!"

"Yes. Do I have to spell it out for you?" Raiden stopped walking, taking a glance back at him. He resumed walking.

Allian grit his teeth. "Why would you tell her that?! She would have never found out! Not even by a slim chance."

"Hey, guys?" Ryoma called out for them once they reached the living room. "Check this out."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Allian walked down the rest of the steps, his arms crossed.

Raiden rose an eyebrow, walking into the kitchen and set the plate down beside the sink before walking back into the living room.

Kai and Evan sat beside Ryoma, looking at the phone he held in his hands. Allian sat on an armchair, his blue eyes gazing at the trio.

"What happened?" Raiden questioned, taking a seat on a couch.

Ryoma held the phone out for him to see. "This girl named Lyra texted Ace."

Raiden's eyes scanned over the text.

Lyra (9:23 am): Hey, where are you?

Lyra: Are you safe? There's no one in the lodge. I did see a shattered window though.

Lyra: Is everything alright?

"Hm." Raiden leaned back in thought. "Did Ace tell any of you that she had invited someone else to come on the trip as well?"

The males glanced at each other before looking back at him. "No."

"How peculiar." He rested his chin on his hand. "It was a good thing we smashed that window, then."

"How so?" Kai questioned.

"Hand me the phone," Raiden said, standing up.

Ryoma looked at him in question before holding the phone out for him to take.

The male's fingers wrapped around the device, bringing it closer to him. "If this Lyra girl decides to call the police," He smiled, his finger swiping over the digital keyboard. "It'll be easy for us to give them a false lead."

Evan bit his lip, frowning.

Handing the phone back to Ryoma, Raiden picked up his book from off the coffee table. "I'll be in my study if anyone needs me."

The guys watched as the onyx male walked towards a door located underneath the stairway, but suddenly stop and turn around. "Oh right, I would also like to hold a meeting an hour from now. There are some things I would like to discuss regarding Ace's family."

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