Chapter 27: Scattered Stars

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 Walking to the usual spot, Ace saw two familiar figures sitting under the tree. Waving, she smiled as they waved back. Evan walked besides her, keeping on pace with her every step.

"Ace, you're always with some hot guy." Akia giggled, making Faith cough slightly.

The girl heaved a sigh and jumped at her. "It's all just a coincidence okay? Stooooppp teasing meeee!"

Akia cried out as she felt her sides being tickled. "Sto- Stooop!! I'll stop! I promise! Have mercy!!"

Standing up, Ace laughed. "Well anyways, is it okay if I spend my time with Evan today?" She gestured at the boy who felt his face flush in embarrassment.

Faith smirked. "Of course you love birds. Go ahead."

"Not you too." She groaned.

"Ace!" The girl turned around seeing a blonde male running towards the group. Once he reached them, he grinned. "I gotta show you something~"

"Hey, Allian." She frowned. "But Evan wants to-"

"It's very urgent!" He persisted.

Looking at Evan, he shrugged. "I'll tag along."

Allian grinned. "Alright. Let's go!"

He took her hand and began pulling her away, Evan following from behind.

The two girls looked at each other questionably and shrugged. Akia glanced around. Much to her confusion, she saw the three guys on the grass field beginning to walk away.


As the trio walked across the school, Ace glanced at the blonde who led the way. "I didn't see you playing football during break today."

Allian felt himself tense up. He looked back at her, hiding his frown with a smile. "Oh! Some.. friends just wanted me to spend time with them. That's all." He turned away from her.

The girl furrowed her brow. I feel like that isn't the full truth somehow.

Evan glanced at her questionably before looking away.

She shrugged, deciding to not dig too deep into it.

They walked into a door by the side of a building, closing it behind them.

"Where are we?" Ace questioned, looking around her.

"You'll see." Allian grinned. "Just look!" He disappeared through another door.

Following him, Ace parted a black curtain and walked through the door, her eyes widening in surprise.

"The school theater?" She exclaimed, her lips parting open in awe.

Rows upon rows of red chairs adorned with black metal stood spread all the way up through the vast room. The ground was a beautiful glossy black wood. Black lights stood tall, strung up by the ceiling. The black stage itself was huge with a giant red curtain hanging by the back. Many technical items such as lights and microphones were out for what Ace assumed was practice.

"Yeah! It's where I'm going to be performing!" Allian grinned. "The producer said we're going to begin rehearsing Scattered Stars on stage after school today. His service class is going to be setting up all the props before the bell rings so it'll be ready for us."

Evan poked Allian's arm lightly. "Do you want to show Ace your costume?" He smiled. "You want to see it, right Ace?"

She grinned. "Of course. I want to see just how majestic your prince is."

Allian felt his cheeks turn a bit red. "As you wish, my Lady."

Evan stared at the two and blinked, confused.

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