Chapter 34: Nightmares

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"Well, they're certainly a peculiar set of friends that you've made."

Scoffing at her dad's words, the girl leaned back in her chair. "So do you trust them now?"

Her dad pulled his arms to the back of his head, his eyes moving towards the ceiling. "After meeting them and getting to know them, I guess you can say I trust them a lot more than just hearing about them."

Her aunt stood up, taking her cane and an empty cup. "I didn't expect to meet a group of guys who were so considerate to me and my bad ankle." She chuckled. "They didn't allow me to get water for myself. They insisted that I don't put stress on my ankle."

"Let alone pay for the grocery bill." Her dad muttered.

"I'll have to talk to them about that." The girl sighed and got up from her seat. "Are you two expecting to see the two girls that are going on the trip too?"

Her dad shook his head. "I don't think it's necessary."

Raising an eyebrow at him, she shrugged. "So you trust the girls over the guys?"

"Of course." Her aunt chuckled. "Families have to protect their daughters and you are no exception."

Ace wrinkled her nose. "That's so social norms-ish. But okay."

Retreating to her room, she took a seat by her desk and sighed. Glancing at the clock, she shut her eyes. Hopefully, things don't go wrong.


It's so bright..

Ace looked around. It was the same old building she had become so familiar with. The blinding white lights that were situated on the ceiling made her turn her head to the side in an attempt to shield her eyes.

Her gaze fell upon a few tubes running through her arm. One of them ran upwards and was connected to what looked like a blood bag hanging along a piece of white plastic. The others were hooked up to large machines, its wires getting tangled in the process. The strange technology whirred silently as they did their job, monitoring her body and most importantly, the rhythm of her vital organ's pulse.

She stared at the heartbeat monitor's screen. A grid of white along with a single jagged green line that jolted moved up and down in a sporadic motion. It absolutely mesmerized her. She couldn't take her eyes off of the monitor.

Such strange motions.. But I feel fine..

A loud beep emitted from the machine, causing someone besides her to take in a breath of panic.

Turning her head to the other side, she hadn't realized that a woman clad in white was sitting beside her. The woman screamed, yelling out words that didn't have any sound. Her mouth moved, yet all she heard was silence.

What looked like frantic doctors and nurses rushed into the room, eyes quickly scanning the machines as the nurses began to press their hands down onto her chest rhythmically.

Am I.. dying?

When she blinked, everyone had suddenly disappeared.

Looking around in confusion, she noticed scattered notes and books piling up on the hospital floor. Squinting her eyes, she gulped nervously when she realized all of the words were written in some sort of red ink.

"I have a question." A high-pitched voice was heard from beside her, making her flinch.

Reluctantly, she turned her head to face the source of the sound.

A young version of herself stood beside her, adorning a ripped hospital gown and disheveled hair covering her eyes. Scars and bruises lined along her skin where the gown didn't cover. The child tilted her head to the side, her lips curling upwards into a twisted yet innocent smile. "Why are you still alive?"

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