Chapter 32: Group Chat

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 "Here." Ace said, sliding over her notebook.

Ryoma looked at her in confusion.

"I wrote the next chapter if you're interested." She explained, reaching back into her backpack for her study notes.

The male frowned. I thought she'd be sadder over what happened with Stephanie.

Ryoma tore his gaze off of her and onto the notebook. He smiled. "Thank you, Ace." After a moment, he looked back at her with a troubled look. "Did I pressure you to do this? I'm sorry. I'll admit I was inconsiderate."

"You didn't pressure me, don't worry." She waved her hand dismissively. "I know I'm not obligated to write because you told me to. I just wrote when I had free time."

He nodded briefly. "That's good. Thank you."

As he flipped the notebook open to where he had last left off, Ace focused her attention on a few things she needed to study for her finals.


Heaving a sigh, Ryoma closed the notebook. "Tristan is such an a**."

Ace diverted her attention to the male and laughed. "I did a good job, then."

"What?" He questioned.

"Oh, nothing." A sly smile made its way to her lips.

"You're hiding something, but okay then." He grumbled. "So you wanna write the next chapter?"

Ace shook her head. "Some other time. I need to study right now."

He sighed. "Okay. Whenever you have time."

She rose an eyebrow, poking his arm. "Since when did you become so respectful?" 

He turned his head away. "Don't tease me."

"Whatever you say." Shrugging, she turned her attention back onto her studies.

Ryoma glanced back at her, staring at her for a moment. "Did someone already tell you about the trip?"

"Yes." She replied, her eyes never leaving her papers. "I'll go if my family says it's okay for me to go."

"You know, if your family doesn't trust you to go alone then they can come with us." He shrugged. "The more the merrier."

Her eyes looked over at him for a second. "That would be nice but it won't be possible. My dad's working and my aunt has a bad ankle. They both can't risk leaving the house for a week."

"I see." Ryoma frowned. "Then, is there any way that we could reassure your family that you'll be alright going on the trip?"

She shrugged. "I'll have to ask them first. I'll message you guys after. Is it possible to make a group chat?"

The male pulled out his phone. "Let's see." He proceeded to tap the screen, his eyes narrowing as he tried figuring stuff out. "I've never done this before."

A few minutes later, her phone vibrated.

Ryoma: I think making a group chat would be easier for all of us to communicate better.

Ace tapped on the message header. This group chat includes- Ace, Allian, Evan, Kai, Raiden, and Ryoma. Tap for more info.

"Did you get my message?" He asked, gazing at her curiously.

His phone dinged.

Ace: Yep.

Ryoma smiled. "Okay. That's settled then."

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