Chapter 51: Sympathy

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Dec 20, Thursday

Groaning, Ace's turned her head to the side, her eyes fluttering open as she left the confines of sleep. She tried moving her hands, only to be reminded of her reality as both cuffs pulled her wrists back.

"...You're awake."

Jolting in surprise, she turned her head to the side, her gaze meeting a pair of dull, grey eyes. "E-Evan.."

The boy stood up from his chair, moving closer to her. When he reached out for her, she instantly flinched and edged away from him.

He lowered his hand, his head hung low. "...I've scared Ace." He muttered, his tone quiet yet dripping with sadness.

She pursed her lips, looking away. She couldn't bear looking at his defeated posture. She had every right to be angry, to be frustrated. And yet, why did she feel sympathy? Was it guilt? Why did she have a soft spot for the people that kidnapped her?

"Ace.. Please, at least allow me to unlock one of your cuffs." He said, his voice soft.

She reluctantly turned her gaze back to him, nodding slightly. "Why..?" She asked as he moved closer to her, key in hand. "Why would you decide to uncuff me?"

Turning the key in its lock, the cuff released her right wrist with a click. "It's unethical to keep both of your wrists locked in place during the day." He answered, frowning. "..You will only have both hands cuffed at night to avoid.. escaping again." He turned away from her.

She nodded slightly, moving her right hand freely. Her wrist felt sore. "Thank you."

Still with his back turned to her, he forced out, "W-Why did you trying running away again?"

The girl felt her muscles tense up and looked away. "Nobody wants to be kept in like a caged animal." She said in a soft whisper. "I miss.. my family." She uttered, too softly for him to hear. An image of the girl with black hair no longer confined to a braid and red ribbon flashed in her mind. I miss Lyra..

Evan turned back to her, his hood blocking part of his face. "..I'll talk to Raiden about this. Maybe I can persuade him to let you walk around town with us."

"Really?" She asked, surprised. She leaned forward, her hand supporting her weight. "Y-you mean it?"

The boy nodded. "It's not in my power to unlock you.. I would if I could.."

She straightened herself, frowning at him. "Why do all of you guys follow Raiden? He's not your boss. He can't control you."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, the boy shook his head slowly. "We.. made an agreement. He's not our boss. But whenever we want to do something, everyone has to agree. He's just normally the one who suggests what we do and initiate."

Without much thinking, she attempted to move her left wrist, causing the cuffs to yank against her skin. She winced from the sudden pain.

He stared at her with wide eyes, his face worried. "Ace? A-Are you okay?" He asked, coming closer to her to inspect her bound wrist.

"I-I'm fine." She quickly said, moving her wrist out of his vision. "Why.. why are you guys so hive-minded?"

He blinked in confusion. "Hive-minded?"

She nodded. "All thinking the same.. Same goals. Same beliefs."

A sad smile pricked at his lips. "The only thing we want, is you." He said, shaking his head. "...I have my own goals."

Staring at him, she pursed her lips. "Your own goals?"

A small, nervous chuckle left his lips. "Y-yeah.. But I... I can't afford to tell you." He brought his gaze back to where she hid her wrist behind her. "Let me see your wrist."

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