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i sat up and cringed when i placed my feet on the cold floor. i sadly looked over to the hoodies lying on the floor, one each of ethan and grayson's old hoodies they let me keep while they are in LA in their new house enjoying life, while i'm stuck in new jersey missing them that is slowly killing me.

i sighed and went to the bathroom. i turned on the shower and stepping in. as soon as the hot water hit my back, i slowly relaxed. after i finished, i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body before i headed back to my room me, cameron, ethan and grayson decorated a few months ago and having paint fights smiling like crazy. those were the best days before they decided to head back to LA.

i picked up ethan's hoodie that still surprisingly smelled like him a little. i slipped it on over my t-shirt and put on some black jeans then putting on my vans. i brushed my long dark brown hair through with a brush before placing it back down again and picking my bag up and swinging it over on my shoulder.

i skipped down the stairs lightly and headed to the kitchen to grab some food. i looked through the pantry before my eyes spotted a granola bar. i smiled slightly and grabbed it. i ripped the packaging open and ate it. i waited by the front door waiting for cameron to drop me off at school as i hate riding the bus with other kids.

when i saw her walking down the stairs, i smiled. "good morning cam"

"good morning melody, you're still wearing their hoodies." she raised her eyebrow

"yes so what?" i said, opening the front door.

"nothing" she slightly smiled, unlocking ethan and grayson's car they have to leave here.

i became slightly confused but shrugged it off as i slammed the car door shut.


i waved cameron goodbye and walked into school, being greeted by two of my closest friends, esme and aria.

"hey melody, how are you?" esme said, giving me a big toothy grin instantly making me feel a little better.

"ok i guess" i shrugged my shoulders while i unlocked my locker.

"why, what's wrong" aria frowned a little, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"don't worry, family problems" i shook my head, and closed my locker. i have a terribly big secret nobody knows about, not even esme and aria. the secret is so big it's kinda hard to keep secret sometimes.

i walked down the long halls, i could feel esme and aria looking at each other confused but i let that slide as soon as the bell rang, echoing through the halls. some people groaned and headed to their first class.

"see you at lunch" aria patted my shoulder , smiling slightly, i nodded and watched them walk into their class together. i sighed and walked into english.

i sat down in my seat and took out my text book from my bag and placed it on the table before i opened it. i took a pen and began to write down the date while the teacher, miss kingdon, was setting up the lesson.

people began to walk in and throw their bags on the floor while throwing their book on the desk and slump down into their chair. i shook my head slightly and began to zone out.

i hate this secret. i hate the fact that i can't spend time with my older brothers when they go out as there is one person who will see the twins and want a picture then question about me. also i can't visit them out in LA as there are twice as much people out there who know my brothers and want a picture then again question about me. plus my mom doesn't want me to fail everything, but the thing is i already am. i just can't stop thinking about my older brothers and about how perfect their life is.

"miss dolan, like the explain why you aren't listening?" miss kingdon, stood there with her hands on her hips along with her eyebrows raised.

i swore in my head and looked up, looking around at everyone who was staring at me giving me confused looks. i sat there, thinking 'was i accidentally talking out loud?'

"oh um. sorry miss. sorry to disturb you, i was just um... um.." before i could say anything else, a few people laughed but i carried on. "i was just thinking about something important" i nodded slightly.

"care the share?" she smiled slightly.

"to personal for anyone" i smiled, but wiped it off my face when i heard my name being called through the speaker.

"melody dolan. come to the office now. melody dolan, come to the office now. thank you"

i sat there, slightly scared. i packed my book away in my bag and awkwardly stood up and walked out of class.

all i could hear was the sole of my shoes hitting the ground every time i took a step. i quickly walked to the office.

"melody dolan?" the receptionist said, looking up from her computer.

"yes that's me. may i ask why i've been sent here?" i asked.

"it's not my place to say just yet. wait till the principal comes out to get you" she slightly smiled, facing back to the computer tapping away.

i nodded, slightly confused and looked at the floor.

my gaze was interrupted when i heard my name being called.


i stood up and followed the principal, mr sammons, inside to his office.

"ok melody. we need to have a talk. your not trouble. it's what seems to be your brothers, grayson i think it was contacted me to come and talk to you about family and maybe you can have someone to talk to about it" he said, looking at me.

i knew it. i fucking knew it. really gray?

"ok." i nodded.

"do you want to talk to me about it or tracy?" he asked, tracy was the person anyone went to to talk to about anything that is going on in their lives they felt it was starting to affect their health.

"i'll rather have a appointment with tracy" i smiled.

he nodded his head "ok, your free to head back to class" mr sammons said, standing up to open the door.

i slightly smiled and walked back to english.


"time to pack away put-" before miss kingdon could say something else the door opened.

"hello. may i take melody" tracy smiles "take your stuff as well" she adds. i nodded and picked up my bag following her out the door.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now