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i felt some shaking me "bup, wake up. it's your first day of school" ethan's soft morning voice for me rang through my ears.

i nodded, pulling the covers off me and going to my bathroom. i heard ethan close the door as i stepped into the shower.

after the shower i wrapped myself in my towel and went into my closet. scanning through all of my clothes, spotting some clothing that i thought would go great together. i slipped on the gray jumper, along with the white jeans. i picked up my superstars and put them on, tying the shoelaces extra tight so they wouldn't untie during the day.

i grabbed my phone that was charging currently and slipped it into the back pocket of my jeans. i picked up my backpack and looked through it to make sure i had everything. i went back to my bathroom and threw my hair up into a messy bun. i then moved onto brushing my teeth.

i grabbed my backpack and took it with me until i reached the living room. i placed it near the front door. i smelled breakfast being made and immediately knew it would be grayson.

"good morning gray" i smiled, sitting at the table.

"well good morning to you happy" he smiled, placing a plate of my favorite pancakes in front of me.

"thank you" i said, digging into my breakfast.

"your very welcome" he replied, placing a glass of water in front of me also.

he then sat down next to me and began to eat his pancakes. ethan later joined us, all dressed.

"so i guess you're dropping me off" i am raised my eyebrow, as i drank my water.

"you guess it right" he smiled.

"wow, ethan dolan up at 6:00am. that's new" i said in a sarcastic shocked tone.

he just flipped me off and laughed after, sitting in a chair across from me. i laughed also. after i finished my breakfast i placed the plate, knife, fork and glass into the sink and grabbed my bag. i waited by the front door for ethan to come and drop me off.

"come on, let's drop you off. don't wanna be late on your first day of school!" he smiled, letting me go through the front door first.

i giggled and opened the door to his jeep. i placed my bag on the floor in front of me and buckled myself up.


we pulled into the parking lot of the school, ethan parked and said he would come in with me to help me find my locker.

"thank you for risking a lot" i smiled as we entered the school reception.

"you're welcome" he smiled.

"hello, can i get my timetable for today and my locker number?" i asked the receptionist.


"melody dolan" i replied.

she looked through a stack of papers to the right of her and found my pieces. i thanked her. i looked through my timetable.

p1: ma (maths)
p2: sc (science)
p3: ar (art)
p4: hi (history)
p5: en (english)
p6: hi (history)

" grayson's picking you up just before lunch. the head teacher finally let you come home in the afternoon" ethan strolled behind me. "what have you got today?"

"maths, science, break, art, history, lunch then if i was still here after lunch, english then history" i groaned.

i looked at my locker number and combination.

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