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i pushed the cart along, having to stop as my brothers would constantly fight. both me and devyn grew sick of it so we went around doing the shopping.

"i'm calling my mom to pick us up, i'm not dealing with them" i pointed to ethan and grayson yelling at each other in the bread isle.

"please mel" devyn pleaded. "i feel sorry for you and your family, you especially as you live with them"

i dialed my mom's phone number.

"hello?" my mom's voice flowed through the speaker phone.

"can you come pick me and devyn up?" i asked.

"why did ethan and grayson leave you?" she asked, confused. as my brothers are so overprotective of me when they go out with me.

"not exactly. they keep on arguing and i don't want to deal with them on the drive home" i explained.

"i've heard enough. i'll be there in a few minutes" she said, and hung up.

i looked at devyn, who was smiling. "your mom's a gem, i love her"

i shook my head while smiling. a few minutes later i received a text from mom. i watched as devyn pushed the cart full of shopping bags towards my mom's car.

i looked behind my shoulder as i walked through the doors, watching grayson yell at ethan in the milk isle. i rolled my eyes and ran to my mom's car.

"thanks mom" i smiled as i helped putting the bags in the boot of the car.

"did you tell ethan and grayson?" she asked.

"ehh" i shrugged my shoulders. "not really. they're in the milk isle, barking at each other"

"well don't come running to me when they beat your ass" my mom said as she pulled out of the parking space.

i shrugged my shoulders again and looked outside the window. watching the world rush past.

as we got home, i helped both devyn and mom take in the shopping, placing it on the kitchen counter.

my phone began to vibrate, flashing as it rang. i picked it up and looked at it. multiple texts from both ethan and grayson. ethan was currently ringing me. i swiped right and put the call on speaker phone.

"melody harper dolan. where the fuck are you?!" ethan yelled, pulling at the ends of his hair, frustrated at me.

"i might. kinda be at home" i shyly said, prepared for bull dozer ethan and grayson to run me over, completely flat with their yelling.

"why are you home. we thought you got fucking kidnapped!" grayson yelled in the background.

i sighed. "you guys were arguing. there was no way that i was going to get dragged into your shit." i shrugged my shoulders. "sooo, i rang mom and she picked me and devyn up"

"i'm killing you when we get home" ethan said, hanging up immediately.



long story short, i got dunked into the hot tub, and to mention it was freezing cold, when they got home.


the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway was all i could hear. then shortly followed after was a loud crash of the front door being pushed open aggressively.

i watched their bodies run through the hallway. i mumbled a "oh shit" before taking a run. anywhere to get away from them.

a huge smile appeared on my lips as i kept on running around the house. this house was and still is a madhouse. i'm the one always getting chased around when my siblings are back in town.

i collided into someone's chest, that felt like a brick wall. i knew immediately who is was.

"you really should of done track when you were in public school" grayson smirked lightly as he bent down. my feet lifted off the floor as he picked me up, throwing me onto his shoulder.

"gray!" my voice strained as i yelled at him with everything in me. "let. me. go!" i yelled as i punched his back, not like it would hurt him as the boy is literally a piece of metal.

i lifted my head up to see where he was taking me. the backyard.

"don't you dare" i screamed.

i used all my body strength and pushed myself up to see better. ethan was stood next to hot tub cover. the hot tub hasn't been on for a while so i knew it was going to be freezing as it's winter.

"no no no no" i squealed, squirming to get out of grayson's death grip on my lower body.

i watched ethan lift up the cover, smirking while it happened. grayson slowly walked forwards to the side of the hot tub. he lowered himself and chucked me in, but obviously being careful.

i landed in the icy cold water.

"ahhhh!" i screamed, high pitch.

i quickly got out, wanting to get away from the temperature of the water. i quickly looked at ethan and grayson, ethan was pushing grayson to get inside. a smirked played on my lips, i ran towards ethan as he was last.

i wrapped my arms around ethan's warm body.

"ahh you're so warm" i dragged out the 'so'.

"and you're so cold, get off me" he said attempting to pull me off.

"not a chance. perfect payback right?" i said, looking up at him innocently. he gave up, rolling his eyes and wrapped his hand around my shoulders.

"you're lucky i love you" he chuckled softly. "because if you were grayson, you would of been dead"

"wait what? you're telling me you don't love me?" grayson sarcastically sniffed, as if he was about to cry.

"eh, sometimes" ethan played along.

being the guy grayson is, he bursted into complete laughter. and came towards me and ethan and wrapped a warm towel around me.

"you're gonna have to warm up a different way, cam decided to use up all the hot water" grayson said as he bent down, allowing me to get onto his back.

"fuck cam" i shook my head, jumping onto his back.


i am now changed into warm clothes and wrapped in a huge fluffy blanket on the sofa in the living room, cuddling with devyn attempting to warm up as a certain someone used up all the hot water.


the little mermaid was playing on the tv. devyn laid her cheek on the top of my head. a small smile appeared across my lips at the sudden movement.

footsteps came through the door of the living room. i lifted up my head to see who it was.

grayson's tall figure sat down on the couch, ethan followed after him shortly also sitting down next to grayson.

"mom's gone on a business trip by the way" grayson said, putting his hands behind his head as he got comfortable.

"all ready?" i asked in confusion. it's been almost 3 weeks, i thought she would of stayed home a lot longer.

"it was important apparently" ethan shrugged. "so me and gray are babysitting you. cam's going back on another roadtrip for a bit"

"i'm 14. i don't need babysitters" i said. "you both are my guardians when mom isn't around."

"same thing." grayson said "anyway you're coming to la with us again"

my lips parted from each other a bit. i shook my head.

"no i can't. what if cruise sees me. or worse knock on your front door as he knows the address" i panicked.

"we talked to his parents while you were here. they were moving away anyway because of his dad." ethan informed me.

"omg. yes. i don't have to deal with his ass anymore" i exclaimed in excitement.

both ethan and grayson quietly chuckled, i retrieved a poke from devyn beside me.

"who's cruise?" she asked.

"i'll tell you tonight" i said.

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