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her eyes widened. i watched a huge smile, a toothy one, spread across her lips. not the one to make fun of me. but of relief and support.

"if it makes you feel better. i'm gay too. i'll forever support you. it's my job to welcome new gays to our community. welcome" she hugged me tight.

i melted into her arms. light sobs escaping my lips, in happiness.

"don't cry" she whispered, rubbing my back.

"i'm just so overwhelmed. i never thought i would get this much support" i managed to choke out before pulling her tighter towards me.

this felt right. out of everything that 'felt right'. this felt the most right.

i remember falling asleep that night happily. knowing i wasn't having to go through this alone and not having devyn hating me because she found out my sexuality.


pursuit of happiness flowed through the speakers of my phone. my ringtone for grayson. i had forgotten it was saturday today so it's currently 12pm while it's only 9am in la.

"morning. what do you want?" i groaned into the phone.

"sorry sunshine for disturbing your sleep. but me and e are back in jersey again. we're coming to new york for a few meetings for the next few days." i smiled knowing they are back home.

"we're wondering if the school will allow us to come in and say hello. and maybe meet devyn. i don't know." i could see him shyly shrug making my silently laugh.

"if not i can come and meet you anytime today as it's the weekend, and i'll take devyn with me" i paused for second. "if she wants."

"ok. let me know, or e, what's happening. see you later. love and miss you" i pictured him smiling. i hung up with a 'love and miss you way more'.

i sat up and looked over at devyn's bed. nobody was in there. i guessed she was probably showering so i gathered my things and went to get changed.

i changed into black ripped jeans, one of ethan's hoodies i stole before i left to go back to jersey and my doc martens.

i sat down infront of the mirror and began to apply makeup.

"you don't need makeup. you're too perfect for that" i heard devyn's voice appear out of nowhere.

"holy jesus dev, you scared me" i quietly laughed while i had my hand placed over my heart. "when did you get in here?"

"literally just now." she shrugged. sitting infront of another mirror. applying makeup.

"grayson asked me about meeting him today. he asked if you wanted to come along. both of my brothers will be there. they just wanna meet the famous devyn they always hear about" i smirked, turning my head towards her.

"really? i would love to." she smiled. turning my way.

we locked eyes for a few seconds before i had snapped out of it. i shook my head and we went back to applying my concealer.

my phone began ringing. i saw my mom's contact come up on my phone. making me confused. she never calls me unless it was something incredibly important.

i answered it and held the phone right up to my ear. thinking about everything i've done wrong in life and what situation she found out.

"hello?" i nervously spoke.

"melody. slight change of plan for you and devyn. you're coming home and staying here for a while. ethan and grayson are almost at your school" my mom's voice flowed through very shakily.

"ok. i'll let devyn know and i'll apologize" i said. "why am i coming home?"

"i'll tell you when you get home. i can't bring myself to tell you right now"

i nodded my head. but realized she couldn't see me so i said 'yes'. i hung up. the tension in the room was so thick you would have trouble to cut it with a knife.

"dev. i'm so fucking sorry. i don't know what's happened but i'm going home for a while by what my mom said." i said. looking at her.

"hey look. i'm completely fine. i'm not breaking down." she smiled softly. "and i understand that it's possibly something to do with family"

a toothy grin painted across my lips. making me feel a lot better.

"what did i do to deserve you?" i asked.

"something good" she smiled cheekily before turning back to her mirror.

i began to pack my bags. not everything as i have tons of clothes at home. i then packed my electrical things like my laptop, chargers, and phone. and so on.

a loud knock on the rang through the room. i placed my hand on the handle and turned it. pulling the door towards me. ethan with a teacher was stood outside the door.

i opened it wider and almost fell over when ethan dragged me towards him and hugging me tightly.

i slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders, confused.

"what's wrong?" i whispered.

"it's dad." he said, his voice going weak.

my eyes widened. my dad has cancer. he's had for just a little over 2 years. and it's just gotten worse again.

"what about dad?" i replied. a sigh escaping my lips, ready to hear it.

"he's got one more week left, on this world"

my heat stopped. it felt like my whole world was crashing down. tears welled up in my eyes before traveling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

i hugged him tighter. he rubbed my back slowly, trying to comfort me.


the car whole car ride home i was looking at old pictures with me and my dad. more tears came and went. i was just praying he can prove those doctors wrong that he's going to be able to live a long time again.

but he deserves to have peace instead of having that pain constantly in his body killing him slowly. it kills me every time i see him to know he's going to go soon because of how weak he's been getting over time.

i've been preparing myself for his death since i heard he was going to have 1 year to live. the time when ethan and grayson were on tour and when i was with them.

and when he was still alive 1 year later i stopped preparing myself because i thought he was going to outgrow it. and i instantly regret that.

i really need to start preparing myself throughout this week because i know for a fact my dad will hate me to be sad over him.

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